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OMG : Skaal armor is CLOTH not LIGHT ARMOR


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I wish to play a skaal ranger. I use PERMA, immersive armor. I menation that so you have all Infos.

I have no other armor mod.


I tried to use console to give my New char a skaal armor. And guess what ? It is not a leather Light armor with some armor rating bonus, no, it is a f***ing cloth armor set, same as a robe.


Is that normal ? How can i change that ?

Please help it is important for the immersion of my roleplay since i use frostfall, Ineed, hubterborn....


Many thx to you guys and hapoy New year

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Is that normal ?




How can i change that ?


Get rid of the mod that edits the Skaal armor or make yourself a mod with the Creation Kit that changes it back to light armor.


And btw the Skaal armor is a hide armor and no leather armor.

Edited by Novem99
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