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Looking for an ID


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FenceWoven01 and FenceWoven02, and the snow covered versions FenceWoven01Snow and FenceWoven02Snow.


I don't know what you are doing to only get the Thieves Guild fences when you filter by the word "fence." None of them even have fence in their IDs.


You should still go through the process of installing xEdit as it will be immensely helpful not matter what kind of modding you intend to do.


I typed 'help fence 0' and I only get a list of dialoge options for the fences, the fences, and the containers for the thieves guild (and a few factions). I tried to find it with the keyword 'woven' and even 'FenceWoven', but there were no search results somehow..

Could you give me the ID? Then I'll try to figure xEdit out in the meanwhile

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lofgren did give you the IDs, the Editor ID names







These are the names that are displayed in both the Creation Kit and in xEdit. You can look them up in both utilities using these names just as well as you can with the hexadecimal ID number.

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