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The City of Ember Mod


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Was thinking deeply about the fallout universe, and was thinking the United States government had to build some underground cities in the deepest caverns in the earth. This idea I came to me after I watched the movie "The city of Ember". Since the vaults were never designed to save anyone, then the US government had to have made plans for the selected elite to survive. So I have decided to make an underground city where the whole city is located in an underground cave powered by a deteriorating nuclear generator. The city's lights come from thousands of lamp bulbs hanging from the sealing just like the movie. It’s still in the working stage, but one thing I did different with this mod is that you can go in all buildings and rooms. You may need keys or good lock picking, but you will be able to get in. The new creatures I have been working on are a giant blind rat that can only sense movement for attacking, a huge six headed snake that the only way to kill it is to use “The sword of liberation”, basically a huge modded shishkebab. It cuts the snakes heads and cauterize its necks at the same time, so that why it’s going to be the only weapon to kill it. In one of the quest I have the overseer asking the loan wonder if he can find who or what has been plundering the remaining supply rooms....and guess what he finds in one of the storage rooms....lol Any ways I want to add at least 100 quests including side quests......With a good story line…..so I am coming to the forms for ideas on quests and story line ideas.


Here is the movie trailer


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