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Eye glitch/eyes look rolled/multiple pupils


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This is what they call "googley eyes" and is usually caused by improper use of Elaborate Eyes, that is, using it together with other eye changing/adding mods.


What happens here is simple. Elaborate Eyes (EE) replaces the eye meshes used by the races with their own models, with significantly different texture layout (UV).

From this point on only eye textures from EE or ones compatible with it will work.


Next you installed another cosmetic mod incompatible with EE, incorporating its own set of eye textures incompatible with EE's eye meshes. So these new eye textures get wrapped around EE's eye meshes incorrectly, and the result is what you see.


Not sure what to do now in order to fix it though, as you have way too many cosmetic mods I know nil to nothing about or their compatibility. Additionally there seem to be other mods "depending" on EE, so removing just this one is not exactly an option. Maybe Wrye Bash can help, as it has a fix for googley eyes available through its Bashed Patch feature, but I also don't know how exactly that one works, so I don't know if it really helps in your case.


That's a clear mod conflict. You should analyze your cosmetic and race mods what eyes they use and make sure you use only compatible ones together.

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Lesson: Do not mix'n'match wrong eye meshes and textures. It's common issue, especially with Elaborate Eyes using cosmetic mods. And there is no reason for using Beautiful People and Ren's Beauty Pack together, because the former includes the latter.

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