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[LE] Model shows as a twisted mess in CK


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I have a model of a custom circlet (Almalexia's crown) in form of a .blend model, an .obj model and a .nif file. All of them show perfectly OK in NifSkope. But when I try to import it into the Creation Kit, the crown shows up as a messed up blob of jagged polygons. No matter what model format was used to import in NifSkope, the end result is the same.


What am I doing wrong? Maybe someone could do this for me, I'll provide the model and the texture?


Tried to attach .blend and .obj, they aren't permitted, sadly...

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If the modified crown is skinned, you have to reapply the skin weights + the BsDismemberModifiers to it before you can export it to nif.


Dunno if Blender operates in the same way, but in 3DSmax, you simply delete the skin and bsdismember modifiers (or just collapse all modifiers), do your edits to the mesh, then reapply a new skin mod, with the head bone selected for the circlet. Then reapply dismemberment. Export to Nif with skin weights enabled in your exporter. Then in Nifskope, do spells > batch > make all skin partitions (18 for Vanilla, 60 for SSE). Add Tangent spaces then save.

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