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creation kit crash when loading a .nif file edited with nifskope please help.


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hello everyone. a few weeks ago, i asked about something related to build-able wall terminal mod. And apparently no one has done it, so I tried to make it craftable myself.

i managed to get the terminal in the workshop, but it's floating. so i tried to make it snap to walls by editing stuff using nifskope. i have no idea about editing in nifskope, so i read about the snap points with this tutorial and followed this guide to do it, and finished it. so I saved the nif applauding to myself like yaaaay etc. and opened the creation kit. after 5 minutes of staring at the loading time, i cloned defaultterminalwall and edited it. i changed the nif to the one i edited, and would you guess from the title, it immediately crashed. i've checked everything and everything seemed okay. so i load it again and it still crashes. i've tried redoing it all over again making sure i didnt miss something, but same thing happens. maybe the problem is obvious but i missed it somehow (i have exactly 1 perception haha lol etc), i dont know. maybe someone can help out.


tl;dr: edited wall terminal nif and it made ck crash immediately when i tried to load it.

stl;dr load custom nif ck crash please help.


i left the file here if you want to see whats wrong with it. the amount of "nifty" indicates the try number. there are other nifties unincluded, but its not much different.


by the way i'm checking this forum again in 12 hours, because different timezone and stuff. i'd be a bit surprised if someone has replied to this, but if someone did, then thanks.

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Crashing when testing models = bad models, gotta redo your work from scratch is you think it's all good/can't see the issue. Also, You can test .Nif's without loading the CK directly (or i'd go starkers mad waiting HOURS and HOURS for nothing all day every day), right click your nif, select open with.. and choose the CK, it has a MUCH faster preview window that'll pop-up. Can't do anything to the file, just lookit it, but it's WAY handier than loading the CK manually just to see if it works at all. Looked at your nif, and you just need to add CPA Nodes/Snaps to your terminal. (DO NOT use your version, restart from the ba2-file "archived" copy of the terminal nif) Lookit the PowerConnectorWall nif file, it a has perfect setup that you can just use "copy block" in Nifskope from one nif and paste into another. Then rename you new block to "CPA" (without quotes, of course) and add it to the 0Ninode's ExtraDataList. Then goto the "file" menu in Nifskope, and make sure "Auto-Sanitize on Save" is UN-CHECKED, then under "Spells" Click "sanitize," reorder blocks, save it and you're gtg. Ohh, and the Connect point called "WS-Snap" will likely need to be moved. The line that comes off the circle goes INTO your object, IE the flat side goes against the wall, the dotted line in Nifskope goes INTO your obj. This might NOT work, though. I tried removing the "ground-snap" from an object by making it snap to walls but what I was fighting was the Havok/Collision info, IT said "This object snaps to the ground like flooring does" and there's nothing I could do, I eventually had to redo my obj in 3DS from the ground up. Your object ALREADY IS a wall-object, though, it just don't know how to "stick" to the right surfaces, that's allk, so this shouldn't happen to you, afaik. But mebbe, idk, haven't tried.

Edited by JesterDoobie
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Opent your nif in Nifskope (the one with the short vanilla name..It`s actually better to rename it because it`s easy to mix them if you have a vanilla file saved somewhere). Changed the string name of your snap point block(OrderedRenderingNode[2]) to CPA so in my Nifskope it became CPA[17]. Might be another number for you. Spell- Sanitize- Reorder blocks so the CPA becomes number 2 instead of 48. I have auto sanitize on save, so it was autosanitized when I saved it. Your file works for me and does not crash anything. I managed to build it in my settlement , hope you don`t mind that I build it :smile:. I built it as static (just had an unused static in my acive file so used it for testing). Snap Point works but it places it a bit too high. May be it requires some keywords or editting the snap point axis coordinates in nif. But no crashes.


I use Nifskope Pre Alfa 2.0.0 - 5

Edited by kitcat81
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Crashing when testing models = bad models, gotta redo your work from scratch is you think it's all good/can't see the issue. Also, You can test .Nif's without loading the CK directly (or i'd go starkers mad waiting HOURS and HOURS for nothing all day every day), right click your nif, select open with.. and choose the CK, it has a MUCH faster preview window that'll pop-up. Can't do anything to the file, just lookit it, but it's WAY handier than loading the CK manually just to see if it works at all. Looked at your nif, and you just need to add CPA Nodes/Snaps to your terminal. (DO NOT use your version, restart from the ba2-file "archived" copy of the terminal nif) Lookit the PowerConnectorWall nif file, it a has perfect setup that you can just use "copy block" in Nifskope from one nif and paste into another. Then rename you new block to "CPA" (without quotes, of course) and add it to the 0Ninode's ExtraDataList. Then goto the "file" menu in Nifskope, and make sure "Auto-Sanitize on Save" is UN-CHECKED, then under "Spells" Click "sanitize," reorder blocks, save it and you're gtg. Ohh, and the Connect point called "WS-Snap" will likely need to be moved. The line that comes off the circle goes INTO your object, IE the flat side goes against the wall, the dotted line in Nifskope goes INTO your obj. This might NOT work, though. I tried removing the "ground-snap" from an object by making it snap to walls but what I was fighting was the Havok/Collision info, IT said "This object snaps to the ground like flooring does" and there's nothing I could do, I eventually had to redo my obj in 3DS from the ground up. Your object ALREADY IS a wall-object, though, it just don't know how to "stick" to the right surfaces, that's allk, so this shouldn't happen to you, afaik. But mebbe, idk, haven't tried.


I just copied it directly from the in game default model. And it's not a wall object, I've managed to add the default one to the workshop, and it's a ground object with the terminal floating in the same height as the player. Also, thanks for the way to preview the object directly from CK, it saved me a lot of time.



Opent your nif in Nifskope (the one with the short vanilla name..It`s actually better to rename it because it`s easy to mix them if you have a vanilla file saved somewhere). Changed the string name of your snap point block(OrderedRenderingNode[2]) to CPA so in my Nifskope it became CPA[17]. Might be another number for you. Spell- Sanitize- Reorder blocks so the CPA becomes number 2 instead of 48. I have auto sanitize on save, so it was autosanitized when I saved it. Your file works for me and does not crash anything. I managed to build it in my settlement , hope you don`t mind that I build it :smile:. I built it as static (just had an unused static in my acive file so used it for testing). Snap Point works but it places it a bit too high. May be it requires some keywords or editting the snap point axis coordinates in nif. But no crashes.


I use Nifskope Pre Alfa 2.0.0 - 5


I've tried your file and compared it to mine. Added CPA to the string and sanitized it, and it seems to stop CK from crashing (after using yours as a reference). It's too high when placed in game, it's because of the snap points. But at least it's working now, anyways, thank you very much for your help!

Edited by rzfd3365
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