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Storage Mod Request


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It's been years since I've played Oblivion. I remember that there use to be a mod that I used ALL the time.


When activated, the mod adds a spell to your inventory. The spell, when caste, creates a portal that you can walk through. This portal leads you to a small open area where you can unload and store any/all of your items. You could then exit at anytime using a permanent exit portal in which you came through.


I looked around but was unable to find a similar mod for Skyrim or the original mod for Oblivion. :wallbash:

If I had time to learn, this would be a mod I'd look into creating.

Any takers? :dance:



I've located the folder with my old Oblivion mods I had downloaded.

Dimensional Pocket

Would it be just a request of porting the mod?

Edited by cloudd901
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I've posted a few similar ideas. Such as...a mask, like the wooden mask, that takes you to a different dimension with a bunch of different chests.


The idea of a spell doing this, however, hadn't occurred to me until I found Midas Magic's Summon Luggage spell.

However I like your version of it better since it gives me an idea:


How about have different grades of this spell:


1 that is used for storage.

Another that is used for armor/weapon "selection" (a portal that takes you to a room with a lot of mannequins, weapon racks and shield racks.

Another that is used for crafting and storage.

And another that has elements of each.


From Apprentice to Master level. :laugh:


I do like this idea as you suggested as well, though. Either way would be pretty nifty.

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Nice Ideas.


I think handicaps would be nice too, just to prevent unlimited storage from being abused.


How about disabling the portal if you are in anyone's view (making it a secret portal, lol).

Or, enable the portal during battle, but if you use it to escape, you are teleported to a random location in Skyrim with fast travel disabled for a certain amount of time.

And the spell can be attached to an equipable item that has to stay charged, this would limit the usage if you don't have a lot of soul gems or prevent over-usage early in the game.


Just some Idea; now we need someone who knows how to create a mod like this.

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Nice Ideas.


I think handicaps would be nice too, just to prevent unlimited storage from being abused.


How about disabling the portal if you are in anyone's view (making it a secret portal, lol).

Or, enable the portal during battle, but if you use it to escape, you are teleported to a random location in Skyrim with fast travel disabled for a certain amount of time.

And the spell can be attached to an equipable item that has to stay charged, this would limit the usage if you don't have a lot of soul gems or prevent over-usage early in the game.


Just some Idea; now we need someone who knows how to create a mod like this.


a dimensional pocket sounds pretty rad - what I think would be cooler is a portal opening up to some unreachable area, but and outdoor area with a cozy home that no enemy can get to - with trophies and cattle :)

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a dimensional pocket sounds pretty rad - what I think would be cooler is a portal opening up to some unreachable area, but and outdoor area with a cozy home that no enemy can get to - with trophies and cattle :)


The mod in Oblivion just contained a couple of small floating platforms connected with bridges and giant statues in a dark void. Making it a peaceful getaway sounds good too. Target practice, cows, farmland, wild animals, alchemy/forging stations, and etc.


I'd say a simple room is good for now; but later, something like this would be awesome. And maybe have the dimensional pocket change with your level. Have it start off as something small; when your at a high enough level, you get ported to your own personal farm.

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a dimensional pocket sounds pretty rad - what I think would be cooler is a portal opening up to some unreachable area, but and outdoor area with a cozy home that no enemy can get to - with trophies and cattle :)


Every daedric champion dreams to be daedric Prince :)

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I just hate raiding a dungeon only to find myself trying to decide what not to carry out. A quick place to store everything would be great.


Does anyone know how to start a mod like this?

I'll have to wait for my new video card before I can attempt to create my own Skyrim mod.

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I just hate raiding a dungeon only to find myself trying to decide what not to carry out. A quick place to store everything would be great.


Does anyone know how to start a mod like this?

I'll have to wait for my new video card before I can attempt to create my own Skyrim mod.


Reminds me of that home you can get in Fable.. 2 - I think.

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