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A Few General Mod Questions


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Okay, forgive me if I sound new, or even dumb in this, but I'm trying to feel out all the possible questions and concerns I have concerning modding at the time. Okay...


First off, is there anyway to create a directory of subfolders, labels, etc in the Data folder? I'm kind of OCD about my organization.....

Secondly, I'm running this on a low end PC, and I was wondering two things, is there a BEST overall performance/graphical mod/plugin, AND/OR are there certain things I should look for or watch out for when trying to run multiple graphical mods at once?

Thirdly, does the number of active mods truly kill my frames? Because there are so many that look good, like all the quest/npc mods, etc.

And lastly, updating, is there any way that nexus mod manager will notify me of an update? or do I have to manually check each mod for an update on the nexus site?


Thanks, sorry about noob questions.

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1. What do you mean by creating a directory? You mean like making your own folders inside them? Well, I know you can do that as long as textures go in the textures folder ect.

2. You could try TESV Acceleration Layer, and there are others like Skyboost but I haven't tried it yet.

3. In Oblivion, the more mods you had, the slower the game loaded. I'm pretty sure it would be the same scenario with Skyrim.

4. Sorry, I don't have NMM.


Hope I helped.

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Thanks. I am trying to learn Mod Organizer, and learn the actual structure of the mod makeups and such, i'm not a modder but I want to know where things go, if I have conflicts, etc.

I figured the actual LOAD would be slower, but will in gameplay be slower? Besides load time?


Thanks for the help.

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The only one I know the answer to is about the NMM, yes it notifies you when updates are available. It doesn't update them automatically, but it places a yellow triangle beside the mod with an update available, just click that triangle and it opens your browser to the update's location, just download with manager and install it through NMM. Simple as pie!
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