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Dragon Age Inquisition lack of mods


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It seems to me looking around for mods for this game, that there really isnt much out there. Compared to games like Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind, The Witcher or even the first 2 Dragon Ages. Heck even the Cheat items are rather paltry and few. Was the game so bad that most modders didnt bother with it? or was the company not that modder friendly?

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Very difficult, though few games get TES levels, and Skyrim is exceptional, even for Bethesda Game Studios.


Until the community created tools, mainly the DAI Tools Suite, with some Cheat Engine help, DAI was impossible to mod at all.


That any mods exist, is due to a great deal of work.

Even with the tools, it's not easy to make even simple changes.


Be thankful for what you can use, and that the DAI mod manager makes installing the available mods so easy.


Expect the same for every Frostbyte 3 game.

Mass Effect Andromeda for example.


Though the DAI experience, will help get things started quicker, I'm sure.

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Expect the same for every Frostbyte 3 game.

Mass Effect Andromeda for example.


Though the DAI experience, will help get things started quicker, I'm sure.




A couple of years ago EA made the decision to use a single game engine across all of their AAA games.


Two of the top reasons they selected FrostBite:


(1) It's cross-platform friendly; code once and compile for PC/XB/PS/iOS/Android with minimal re-work to deploy to any/all.


(2) They already own DICE, who created it! :laugh:


The bad news for us modders (both authors and players) is that games built on the FrostBite engine are very hard to mod. :confused:

(While DICE hasn't ruled out a Toolset, the last time they said anything publically about the idea was almost seven years ago!)

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Just to chime in here as well, work on the old DAItools is discontinued. However the current coder on the project, Dawn, is working on an overhaul. Development on FB engine modding tools is still underway and we can expect great things in the future, but there is no ETA for it's release.

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Just to chime in here as well, work on the old DAItools is discontinued. However the current coder on the project, Dawn, is working on an overhaul. Development on FB engine modding tools is still underway and we can expect great things in the future, but there is no ETA for it's release.

Good to here, and I expect Mass Effect: Andromeda, wiil help.

Every release of a single player focussed, Frostbyte game, will expand knowledge for all of them, when enough modders want to change it.


I expect what's been learnt in DAI, will speed up MEA tool production, and both games can be modded together, better than either in isolation.

Previous Frostbyte games, being multi-player focussed, were more limited, but still helped DAI get started, from what I've read.

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