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Repeatable CTDs in 4 areas + no dragons


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I'm having problems with not-so-random CTDs resulting in "broken" quests.


Windhelm - I CAN move around outside south of Windhelm but I have CTDs whenever I'm getting near Morvunskar so I'm not going to be able to continue/finish the "A night to remember" quest.

When trying to get to Kynesgrove either from the north from Windhelm or from the south from Bonestrewn Crest/Steamcrag Camp I also get CTDs, which will leave the "A blade in the dark" quest unfinished.

I fear that the Sacellum of Boethiah will also be unreachable and the "Boethiah's calling" quest unfinishable, though I haven't tried that one yet.


Riften - CTDs when trying to reach Goldenglow Estate. I've tried going from Riften but as soon as I get down the slope toward the water I have a CTD in the same exact spot each time.

Tried going from Merryfair Farm (I can fast travel there) but after moving a bit there's a CTD. I also tried from Faldar's Tooth. I can swim in the lake but a soon as I'm getting close to the island I get another CTD.

So I guess the "Loud and clear" quest and also the whole Thieve's Guild line is out of the question.


Solitude - If I try to get near where I should meet the lizard guy in the "Lights out" quest I CTD, so that quest is also on hold.


All these CTDs occur in or around the same spot each time except outside Riften where I sometimes get a freeze as soon as I leave the town. I also get a repeatable CTD just south of Helgen.

All of this is really annoying but since the CTDs are not random I at least know where not to go.


Is there anyone experiencing any/all of these crashes and/or knows how to get past them?


Another problem is the dragons. I'm now level 55 but I haven't seen any free roaming dragons since about level 25. The stationary ones are ther but not a single random one.

Anyone else had this (not) happening?


On a side note - I've had the flying sabre cats and the petrifying unlootable mammoths, but all of a sudden the cats stay on the ground and the mammoths fall over. How come?


I would really appreciate any help with any/all of these issues as I have practically stopped playing the game due to these glitches.

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Unfortunately it is probably "Welcome to the club".


You will find forums littered with people that have played for a longer period of time and now cannot continue due to repeatable CTD's. It starts out fine and then when people reach certain save file size you start getting CTD's. These usually occur when you enter a new cell. Try going back to a previous hard save and travel to these same areas. You will probably find that you can enter and exit these areas fine. Then continue on with with this game and after your game world data (bloat) reaches a similar volume you will start to get the CTD's on that new path.


Whether it is save specific to your rig, or is tied to the 1.3.10 update, or is something with higher end video cards and drivers, nobody can seem to nail it specifically down. One thing is for sure though, if and when it comes to you it will not stop. Only going back to previous hard saves will let you play Skyrim until that path bloats up too.


Many people are on hold hoping and preying that Beth addresses this with the next update but unfortunatally their lips remain sealed so nobody even knows if they acknowledge this or not.


We sit and wait, totally bummed out, praying for some words from Beth.

Edited by Kodiak412
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Unfortunately it is probably "Welcome to the club".


where is that club ? :P

For me its 100% CTD when i am going near Riften, close to the city gates, as you travel from the orc village .


I am running Skyrim from RAMDisk. Also i moved the saves folder on RAMDisk and created a simlink .

I am running latest skyrim, 1.3.10, and never saw the process going past the 2GB mark. When is near 2GB it just CTD .

Tried clean install with default graphics ... etc No solution .


The only way to get pass is to reduce uGridsToLoad to 5 . Well that works for the moment, but it doesn't look pretty based on your post .

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