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A MAJOR glitch I haven't heard anyone talk about yet


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I am having a unique problem that I haven't heard mentioned anywhere yet. The dialogue from everyone I talk to is completely random or is not existant at all. Every time I talk to the Jarl in dragonsreach he tells me welcome to warmaidens, whenever I talk to random people in the street they say off the wall stuff and whenever I talk to any of the Companions they sing random songs or go off on random jibberish. It is obvious that as far as the dialogue goes my game has no idea where it is or who I am talking to. This bug has only effected the dialogue and I am able to start quests, buy good, etc, but it is starting to get pretty annoying as the dialogue is very important in the story line. I have about 25 hours of gameplay in. This problem started while I was in Markarth working on the forsworn conspiracy questline. I went in to the temple of talos and attempted to talk to eltrys and he said nothing. I gave him the note and he still said nothing. I went around after that asking everyone about margaret and I got the same effect either randomness or no dialogue at all. I also have noticed that when I sprint in the game the game thinks I am fighting a dragon or in a tavern as sometimes you can hear voices saying kill the dragon and sometimes you can hear someone talking about how she said she would never leave me..... Somebody please help.
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Well there's a glitch that's quite weird. It's probably not really talked about because it seems really unique. Like you said, it probably just doesn't recognize the NPC base or refID that you're talking to so it plays a random piece of dialogue instead. You try backing up your save files then trying a reinstall? It may or may not work, since it didn't work in my case sadly.
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Have you tried to start a new game, to check if the problem remains?

If so, this could be due to a corrupted file in the Skyrim install, to be solved by reinstallation.


Do you have mods? tried disabeling them? You use NMM,BOSS, Wrye, etc...?

You can do this in "parts" eg you disable 1/3 of the mods, if the problem is gone, you have excluded 2/3, this is the fastest and simpelest way to check mods.


If it is a corrupted savegame glitch, I can only hope you have a savegame from before the glitch, you can simply test this by loading a savegame from befor the glitch...

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