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Alright, I have a bit of a strange question.


I use SOS, MO, and XPM32ESE in my Skyrim. But I'd like to somehow use a skeleton that makes the male body look better, but SOS still works.


I did find an SOS compatible skeleton that's supposed to do this, but it caused the arms of my character to become extremely long. And it made some RaceMenu sliders disappear. A lot, actually.


What I'm asking is does anyone know of some skeleton I can use to make my character's body less slender? I don't like how slender the SOS body looks. If not a skeleton, is there some way I can carefully customize the player's body? RaceMenu is the closest thing I know of, but it doesn't let you, for example, change how broad the shoulders are.


Not a big deal since this is a matter of taste, but any help would be appreciated. :smile:

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