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Where's the CK?


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The Creation Kit is a gift from Bethesda to the player---I don't understand the hostility and anger associated with its release.


Would you yell at your parents/wife to hurry up and give you your Christmas gift? If you're not insane or a jerk, the answer is likely a NO. It's a GIFT, not an entitlement. So why get so upset with Bethesda when they're hard at work trying to finish your gift?


Just chill out and make some texture mods or something. That, or get a life!


Completely wrong.


If your parents promised you chocolate cake multiple times, and then you didn't get chocolate cake. You'd be pissed.

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Completely wrong.


If your parents promised you chocolate cake multiple times, and then you didn't get chocolate cake. You'd be pissed.


But you haven't NOT gotten the chocolate cake yet.


......double negative.


Anyhow I get your point.


But my reasoning still stands. If your parents continued to promise you chocolate cake, but never really gave an exact time/date, you'd be sitting around waiting for chocolate cake. Eventually you are going to get mad.

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Actually, Beth knows we're all kids at heart and impatient, and they should manage expectations with a firm date and all the details, then deliver the goodies on time. Screaming before Christmas never gets anyone an early gift. If it does...let us know how! Edited by AbleGnome
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The Creation Kit is a gift from Bethesda to the player---I don't understand the hostility and anger associated with its release.


Would you yell at your parents/wife to hurry up and give you your Christmas gift? If you're not insane or a jerk, the answer is likely a NO. It's a GIFT, not an entitlement. So why get so upset with Bethesda when they're hard at work trying to finish your gift?


Just chill out and make some texture mods or something. That, or get a life!


There is no need to be so rude. Hard at work - in Bugthesda's case, that's hard at work lumbering us with the largely unwanted and unrequested Steam Workshop integration. I am pretty sure we would have had the CK by now if it wasn't for that.


People are hostile because of Steam Workshop and the draconian TOS associated with uploading any mods there. They are angry because they need the CK to fix broken quests and to fix other bugs that Beth haven't, which is far more important than texture mods. They are peed off because Bethesda seem more interested in this Steam Workshop nonsense than fixing the game, but won't give us the CK right now to do it ourselves.


There really is no defending the indefensible. They have no real excuse for not letting us have the tools to fix a bug ridden game.

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The thing that puzzles me is that the Creation Kit is what they used to build Skyrim before they sold it to us. We know that the software works, because they built the whole province of Skyrim with it. This piece of software was completed and ready to go years before Skyrim was released. So I am having trouble understanding why it was not released on 11-11-11 like Bethesda had implied it would be, months earlier.


I have heard several theories:


(1) They are currently breaking the Creation Kit before releasing it. (They are removing things that belong to other companies that they are not allowed to distribute. The Creation Kit will not be fully functional when released and will leave parts of the game unmoddable.)


(2) They are fixing and debugging the Creation Kit before releasing it. (It was so buggy and frustrating before, while they were building Skyrim, that only professional programmers could handle it.)


(3) They are Steamifying the Creation Kit. (Everybody loves Steam. The new Creation Kit will be hooked up to Steam in so many lovely ways. It will be just swell.)

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There really is no defending the indefensible. They have no real excuse for not letting us have the tools to fix a bug ridden game.


1. They are working on Steam Workshop as a FAVOR to us. They thought it was a cool thing to integrate so they are working hard on it. I for one am excited about the possibilities.


2. We are not ENTITLED to their source files NOR the Creation Kit. These things are a GIFT that they allow us to use freely. I can count, on one hand, the number of companies that allow such a kit to be released without any money involved.



Where the hell is all this entitlement crap coming from? Just because a game has bugs, doesn't mean you are entitled to get the SDK to "fix" it. Give me a break.

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The Creation Kit is a gift from Bethesda to the player---I don't understand the hostility and anger associated with its release.


Would you yell at your parents/wife to hurry up and give you your Christmas gift? If you're not insane or a jerk, the answer is likely a NO. It's a GIFT, not an entitlement. So why get so upset with Bethesda when they're hard at work trying to finish your gift?


Just chill out and make some texture mods or something. That, or get a life!


The creation kit was promised to those who bought the PC version, when you promise something like that prior to release it is no longer a gift, it's part of what we paid for. There's a reason companies who have no intention of releasing a toolkit use the word "maybe" when asked about it, if they promise it and then don't deliver people quite rightly feel cheated. The fact that it's being delayed so they can put DRM on the damn thing makes matters even worse.

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There really is no defending the indefensible. They have no real excuse for not letting us have the tools to fix a bug ridden game.


1. They are working on Steam Workshop as a FAVOR to us. They thought it was a cool thing to integrate so they are working hard on it. I for one am excited about the possibilities.


2. We are not ENTITLED to their source files NOR the Creation Kit. These things are a GIFT that they allow us to use freely. I can count, on one hand, the number of companies that allow such a kit to be released without any money involved.



Where the hell is all this entitlement crap coming from? Just because a game has bugs, doesn't mean you are entitled to get the SDK to "fix" it. Give me a break.


1. Wrong

2. Wrong


'Entitlement' is that it was a selling point for the game. It's simple really. Let me try to explain it simply:


You buy a happy meal for your kid because it comes with a toy. You are entitled to expect it to come with that toy. It is not a gift. If you buy a happy meal and do not get a toy with it you are entitled to be pissed off and yell at the manager. Maybe not yell, but give him/her some stern words and demand it be made right.


Understand now?

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If you bought the game before the Creation Kit was announced, yeah, you'd have no right to expect it.


However, pretty much everyone here knew before they bought the game that Bethesda had promised a Creation Kit, and therefore they must release it or risk everyone being pissed at them justifiably. It's not 'entitlement ****' as you so eloquently put it; it's a promise that was made before a sale, meaning it is logical to expect them to provide it.

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