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Realistic animal skinning & hunters.


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I understand the engine limitations of physically showing a hock of leg or thigh being pulled from an animal, but when an animals pelt is completely removed, would it be possible for an entire new re-texture for that creature to show that he's been skinned? Also, it'd be nice to show hunters actually hunting animals and skinning them. I've never seen a hunter actually hunt, so, perhaps they already do, but I know they don't skin them :thumbsup: Edited by Geffrod
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I second this request. I hate skinning a deer and finding it still whole on the ground. I remember a mod in FO3 where the deathclaw hand would sever from the body when you harvest it. I almost want to learn to use 3ds and blender or whatever, just to make this mod... but I dont have time... somebody do this, i will give +10 internets to the person that makes it a reality. i figure it should be pretty easy to find reference material of skinned animals
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The problem is rather in the scripts - how to replace a dead animal body with an skinned and gutted animal body. As a guide could serve script (if it is an script) for obtaining special dragon scales in one job for the university.


I suppose an special tools in players hand or/and players inventory to "attacks" to the dead body and collect "raw material". An knife for skinning and gutting, tongs for collect tooth and claws, and a saw for antlers and tusk


The model should not be a problem - in "extreme cases" can be used a bulk of "blooded" bones.


And for strong stomachs - the human heart and human flesh is also a valuable raw material ... For khajiit and argonian skin could also find some use... As a model could be used draugir body with a new texture or bulk of "blooded" bones.

Edited by Semtex
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