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Equipping Wizard Staff Causes Crash


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Im not sure, but it could be tied to a mod. I tried googling about this and found nothing.. I can equip a regular ebony staff, which has the same model as the wizard staff for the mages quild quest.(except for the enchantment shimmer) As soon as I equip the staff I crash. Occasionally I will be able to equip it without crashing but you wont see anything in my hands.


This has happened to me before regardless of version or installation source. But i use the same common popular mods that everyone else uses, and I could find no mention of this issue anywhere by anyone.


Only thing I can think of is that the magical aura mesh for this wizard staff is broken somehow...


Anyone have any ideas?

Edited by teralitha
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Even after doing an OS reinstall and having a fresh vanilla install of morrowind I would get this crash so it wasnt from any mod. That was from the GOTY disk. I even had it happen from morrowind on steam. I ended up making my own mod fix for it. The wizard staff used its own ebony staff mesh, I just made it so the wizard staff used the regular ebony staff mesh instead.

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