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Hi guys, i have a really annoying request for help, I have recently installed mods for my skyrim special edition game.

Unfortunately me being not so experienced with the use of mods, my game has encountered some problems. After the uncountable hours i have actually spent trying to individually go through each and every mod i have installed and check compatibility it just does not work. From the game crashing, to the guards attacking each other and random citizens of the city. I've started multiple saves over and over again to check if it solves it but nothing! This is why i have come here, to then see if anyone with more experience will be able to help me. Following this post there should be a file which contains all 63 of the mods that i currently have installed and enabled. Including the 3 that i have not enabled due to trying to fix this issue. they are also in load order from top to bottom through 1-63 as well.


Now i understand it is a very big ask, but if anyone, ANYONE at all can just help me even a tiny bit, to solve or aid my issue i would appreciate it alot, thankyou in advance.


Peace Guys

- Liam

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You have a mod called "Better Vanilla Perks" and seem to be using Ordinator. I would suggest uninstalling the "Better Vanilla Perks" mod because it and Ordinator both edit the perk system, and thus are not compatible. It's the only thing I was able to notice in my somewhat cursory look. If that doesn't stop the issue, then I suppose I could try and give it another look. Also, make sure to read the mod descriptions in the event they give any guidance on what they may be incompatible with. Also, uninstall info may be helpful. Some mods may have certain protocols for uninstalling mods - your perk mod may be one of them.

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