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Third Person Unarmed and Melee attacks will not play


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I have a few animation mods installed, but I've tried removing/reinstalling them to no effect.

The bug is that when I draw unarmed (fists included) or melee weapons my female character holds it up like a rifle. I cannot attack in this position.


Anyone have an experience like this?

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The problem still must be in the Data files somewhere, right? Somewhere a file is being replaced where it shouldn't, or an esp issue, right? I've noticed that the problem persists across all saves, no matter when it's from.

Edited by wer123456
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I have. It's in third person so I checked the Animations folder and the Player folder. I removed the Player folder and the problem persists. I'll try removing the whole folder to see what happens.

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OK guys when I removed all Animations the problem persisted.

My character keeps drawing melee weapons and the fists as if it's a rifle. What could be causing this issue???

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Do you have more information about this bug? Where can I find out more?

Edit: I've sorted out my bug. It was a weapon mod that had faulty files.

Edited by wer123456
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  • 6 months later...

would you mind posting exactly what weapon mod caused your issue? Because i have had this bug for months now and since I have only just discovered this thread, i'd really prefer to avoid the nuclear potion and do a total reinstall...

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  • 9 months later...

would you mind posting exactly what weapon mod caused your issue? Because i have had this bug for months now and since I have only just discovered this thread, i'd really prefer to avoid the nuclear potion and do a total reinstall...

I had this bug aswell and I was going f*#@ing crazy to find out what was causing it. My character was holding melee weapons and fists as they were guns and 3rd person melee combat was totally broken. I couldn't attack, block nor move properly. I'm so f*#@ing happy I've found this thread even if there was no solution, but, it helped me to find out that it was indeed a faulty weapon mod with custom animations. In my specific it was the "Smith and Wesson 500- 50 cal. revolver".

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