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Is it possible to do all the Daedric quests and still


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I was talking about decisions you make in the quest, so your arguments whether or not a particular daedra can be considered evil is valid in the context of the question. Take Clavicus Vile, even if he is twisted, he did not ask me to do evil things, so in essence, my character was not an evil guy. So is Malacath, cruel he may be, you were just trying to help the orcs get back on their feet.


Be that as it may Vaermina still totally fooled you into doing evil... :whistling:


Yeah, well that's called immersion. LOL.


Lmao, thats for sure.


Goes to show just how tricky the Daedric Princes are eh?

Edited by SaintAnon
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Sheogorath is not a different person. He has the same memories as the champion of cyrodiil, and even the same opinions in a way.


Memories do not make a person, though they do shape them. The personality, actions and attitudes of Sheogorath in Skyrim indicate that he is still the same Sheogorath as before, meaning that the greater person of Sheogorath subsumed the weaker person of the Champion. The physical body may be the same (And even then, probably isnt) but the individual we see if very much Sheogorath, not the Champion of Cyrodiil.



I'm reading this and all I can think of is, "Luke, I am Your Father"

A misquote to be sure, but you get the idea.

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For that matter, when you walk up on bandit camps they warn you to not get too close before they become aggressive. You have a little tooltip saying they are bandits but do you really have any idea if they are really naughty or not??? So it's your own fault for aggravating them and then when they die it's really all on you.


You just have admit that it's goody-hero in the public and selfish bastard killing kittens for reward in the private :P


If the Daedric Lords asked me to kill kittens then I would definitely say no. On the other hand, humans are not an issue.

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For that matter, when you walk up on bandit camps they warn you to not get too close before they become aggressive. You have a little tooltip saying they are bandits but do you really have any idea if they are really naughty or not??? So it's your own fault for aggravating them and then when they die it's really all on you.


Uh....no. It's on them. Walking near someone in the wilderness is not a reason to be brutally bludgeoned to death with a warhammer. It's how you tell the difference between bad people and good people. Bad people try to kill you. Good people tend not to.

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Uh....no. It's on them. Walking near someone in the wilderness is not a reason to be brutally bludgeoned to death with a warhammer. It's how you tell the difference between bad people and good people. Bad people try to kill you. Good people tend not to.



If you barge into someones house, armed to the teeth with lightning crackling around your hand, do you think they'd be justified in taking a shot at you? While i tend to subscribe to the "Bandits must die" approach, your example above is a gross overismplification. Good people kill all the time.

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If you barge into someones house, armed to the teeth with lightning crackling around your hand, do you think they'd be justified in taking a shot at you? While i tend to subscribe to the "Bandits must die" approach, your example above is a gross overismplification. Good people kill all the time.


If that was even slightly what was being put forth, then what you said might have made a damn bit of sense. But it isn't, and it doesn't. We're not talking about wandering into someones house, we're talking about walking near a bandit standing wherever. Going near a cave entrance is not a reason for murder with a warhammer, even if it is a proper home, which it isn't. Going near a derelict castle is not a reason for murder with a warhammer, even if it is a proper home, which it isn't. Going near a tent is not a reason for murder with a warhammer, even if it is a proper home, which it isn't. Bad people try to kill you. Good people tend not to. Saying "Go away" is not an adequate excuse for bad people to commit murder with a warhammer.


Develop some degree of reading comprehension, I don't like people spraying their stupid on me.

Edited by Khorak
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Ohh god Khorak get off your high horse



Beyond that it doesn't matter if its a "proper" house, a large number of people don't live in "proper" homes in Skyrim.


Secondly there are MANY bandits/vampires/werewolfs/necromancers etc. etc. roaming around Skyrim. People ask you to leave, you don't, they have no idea of your intentions, they attack to protect themselves from what might very well be an attacker or someone with intention to do them harm.


Though I will admit the irony of Bandits attacking you because you might be a bandit.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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If that was even slightly what was being put forth, then what you said might have made a damn bit of sense. But it isn't, and it doesn't. We're not talking about wandering into someones house, we're talking about walking near a bandit standing wherever. Going near a cave entrance is not a reason for murder with a warhammer, even if it is a proper home, which it isn't. Going near a derelict castle is not a reason for murder with a warhammer, even if it is a proper home, which it isn't. Going near a tent is not a reason for murder with a warhammer, even if it is a proper home, which it isn't. Bad people try to kill you. Good people tend not to. Saying "Go away" is not an adequate excuse for bad people to commit murder with a warhammer.


Develop some degree of reading comprehension, I don't like people spraying their stupid on me.


I.. I dont even... My god your world must be a dour place, since you're so clearly surrounded by stupidity.


My comment makes perfect sense in the context of the encounter. If you walk up to some forest dweller, standing around their camp, their HOME, armed to the teeth, they are going to react to your presence.


And then you go off and make a completely biggoted, absolutely erronius claim about the legitimacy of a 'home'. By your clearly superioristic standards, the shacks the Jhivaro live in can't be considered homes, so its perfectly fine to barge in with impunity. And if they attack you, THEIR being the bad guys.


Good people kill all the time. The differance is they give you a warning first.


Now, you may want to watch wher YOU spray, cause you're clearly getting blowback.

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Could technically argue about whether or not they are evil for days but generally its best to just go by your own morality meter and not use guides>.>



You can't really say for sure if Daedra are evil or not imo. I can see a hero justifying himself after killing someone for a extremely powerful artifact that helps him save the world.


"Azura is the only daedric that is not considered inherently evil". - A loading screen tooltip (recreated from my memory), would the tool tips lie to you?


Azura might be considered not so evil, but dont forget she was the reason why dunmers became black with red eyes.

honestly i think she is the most evil one, which is why i avoid her quest



Do her quest, you'll get a chance to screw her over (trust me).

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Secondly there are MANY bandits/vampires/werewolfs/necromancers etc. etc. roaming around Skyrim. People ask you to leave, you don't, they have no idea of your intentions, they attack to protect themselves from what might very well be an attacker or someone with intention to do them harm.

That's what I was getting at but someone got pretty passionate (and a bit rude) with his disagreement.

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