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Ancient Tech Dwemer Exploding Bolt Code


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Traveled to the arrow marked destination where Sorine sent me (Steepfall Burrow) and opened the chest for the Dwemer Exploding Bolt schematic. Nothing there.

Any help for the code for this item (the actual bolt)? the one listed xx00F1C5 does not work in the console (for xx I substituded 02 and then 04, but no luck). If I can't

get this schematic, I won't be able to do any of the other Ancient Technology quests. Thanks, to anyone who can help. Mike

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Have you tried this?


Open the console and type


Help "Dwemer Exploding Bolt Schematic"


(you must include the quotes if you use more than one word and I assume that is the correct name.)


You could also type


help "Dwemer Exploding"


this should bring anything beginning with those two words. You can get the id code this way. Be aware that using the console to give yourself quest objects can screw your game royally. Make saves before using this and don't save over it so you can go back if needed.


Hope this helps.

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