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this spell looks dangerous


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upon returning from my last few quests everyone in town keeps telling me "this spell looks dangerous"

i have no conjured followers nor any transitional spell effects i know of. neither have i drawn weapons.

anyone aware what causes this and how it can be stopped?

annoying always having that dialogue when approaching npcs.

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Try conjuring something and then getting rid of it. I had this problem when I brought to life the bones of some important guy (The with super power amulet that is really kind of crappy). The guy vanished though when I went through a loading door. However, I believe the game still thought he was following me. Conjuring something else should clear the invisible follower.
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well i tried conjuring a dremora. and then wanted to ban it. tada why do i learn the spell if i can`t ban a dremora. so i killed him with fireballs. didn`t make people happy either :(

i conjured that unbound dremora on top of winterhold and he is still standing there. maybe he is the problem?

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wearing no armor at all. vaermina robes. criclet, mythic dawn gloves, plissee shoes, amu and ring. evrything is skill enchanted.

i am still following the conjurer theory. i noticed i got "conjure frost servant" in my active effects. don`t know how it got there and how to disable it. as i cast dozen of conjurations after and it don`T go away.

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