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After 332 hours of Skyrim gameplay some mods simply don't work.


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For example "Vendor Sale Delay - GONE" or "Better Harvesting by grazman" or "Prosperous Alchemist - Craft the most valuable potions" - this particular mod causes a CTD. Is it possible that some mods do not work after... I do not know... couple of gameplay hours, save file size or to high character level? I have tried reinstalling, LOOT, bashed patch, etc.. I am an experienced veteran mod user, but obviously not experienced enough to solve this problem.

So thanx in advance for any advices.

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Just throwing something out there on a whim, more of a educated guess.


Have you tried running a save script cleaner? if so do you run it often (every 5-10) hours?


I had this issue with my 186 active plugins with my ENB and this fixed a lot of headaches that arose, my cleaner always resets my havok engine and fixes most of my script instances.


Found out earlier on my skeleton had dirty instances somehow and I was able to rule out the corresponding script.


Hope this helps! if not oh well i tried :P

Edited by Valorek
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Just throwing something out there on a whim, more of a educated guess.


Have you tried running a save script cleaner? if so do you run it often (every 5-10) hours?


I had this issue with my 186 active plugins with my ENB and this fixed a lot of headaches that arose, my cleaner always resets my havok engine and fixes most of my script instances.


Found out earlier on my skeleton had dirty instances somehow and I was able to rule out the corresponding script.


Hope this helps! if not oh well i tried :tongue:


Yes, but I will try it as you suggested. Thanx for a help.

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