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Master Compatibility Mod


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There are overarching mods for a few different things in Skyrim. For bugs, there's USLEEP. For UIs, there's SkyUI and its MCM. There are a couple of others (FISS, FNIS, ASIS...), but you get the idea. They're parent mods that allow other mods to not need to deal with the same thing that a hundred other mods all deal with. Is there any such mod for compatibility with and communication between mods?


As an example of what I mean, a single mod whose purpose would be to add a small but useful set of items, such as Blank Book (random example), which other mods can all use despite it not appearing in the main game. The ability to create, access, and modify a list of items (so different mods could make a list of player houses if it doesn't already exist, and then add their house to the list so all mods can access a valid list of all player houses), with the built-in ability to properly handle mod removal. The ability to post an event that other mods might listen for in a general way (this is at least partially handled by SKSE, I think, but I don't know how robust it is; probably pretty robust given the context...). A mod that allows many other mods to all interact cleanly and easily in a general way without needing to deal directly with the system that handles it all.


If not, it might have otherwise been a bit late in the game to create such a mod, but given SSE's recent release's breath of life to the community, it might be worthwhile to consider the creation of something like that.


I know at least some of this is already handled (like the events, but that's just an example), but I'm thinking of something that fills in the gaps. Something that creates items other mods can use and alter, but doesn't actually put them into the game (it'd be up to other mods to decide how to put Blank Books into the game, e.g.; this mod only makes them so all mods can access them as constructible object requirements).


The most useful part of the mod, I think, would be the ability to easily have access to a list of objects that other mods can edit. Preferably in such a way that removal of the mod can undo certain changes while marking other changes as permanent. For instance, a house adding mod might update the list of houses to include its own. This would not be a permanent change. Removal of the mod removes the house. But if that house mod had a quest, it might add its quest (name and reference) to the list of completed quests, and that would be permanent. Removal of the mod would remove the reference but not the name, and thus wouldn't reduce the count. It would be up to the mod to decide if a given change is permanent (independent) or temporary (dependent on the mod's continued installation).


Does such a mod already exist somewhere in the list of forgotten great ideas that never caught on? If not, then what kind of systems or items would others like to see in such a mod? Empty inkwells or filled inkwells (with "inkwell" acting as the counterpart), various scripts for more easily manipulating things (scripts that are included in many, many mods with relatively few alterations from mod to mod), the ability to mark your own mod, in an in-game accessible way, as one which modifies X (spells, ingredients, locations, whatever) so the compatibility mod could theoretically (upon detecting a new mod installation) notify you of potential conflicts that might be hidden without the need for the user to view any spoiler-y information about the specifics of the mod's edits.

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