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Better Taverns!


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Taverns in Skyrim suck.. really suck. Can someone please create some sort of mod that changes the background noise to perhaps a few clinks of mugs, idle chatter and an occasional chuckle? If you really listen, the current sound is a bustling bar with multiple voices and its constant. I hate that.


We all know Skyrim's taverns are sparse, that's okay. But Bethesda shoulda made the ambiance a little more realistic.

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I want more people overall. Cities shouldn't only have 10 inhabitants. Roads shouldn't be empty (I would fast travel less if I weren't alone). Taverns should be filled to the brim. Maybe some brawls between others and you can watch and cheer them on.
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Some taverns are just way too big to really give them that sorta bar-feeling. So a bit more people and a bit less room might do the trick. But then again I do like certain taverns like the one in Riften f.e. or the one with the dark-elves (forgotten where they were). They're just quite a bit smaller which makes them less - empty...


Ah by the way: In my opinion it wouldn't make sense to fill them all day long. So if the large ones just got a bit more crowd in the evening I would appreciate that mod.

Edited by davekmoody
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