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Increasing amount of random CTD


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Hi all!


So, I picked Skyrim back up and decided to mod the hell out of it. I started out downloading a ton of mods and then I downloaded a ton more after finding this "guide/list"; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76373/?


I used the steps from the guide and added some mods on my own like Ish's dragon souls to perk points mod and CACO and some other mods that I felt like.

I've used LOOT and TES5Edit (though I've stayed clear of cleaning anything regarding the vanilla game and expansions, since it worked just fine for me the last time).


I installed the mods 5-10 at a time, then I checked with LOOT and tried launching (starting a new test game each test launch) and lastly I cleaned up with TES5Edit, only IDM's, had nothing but IDM's except for the base game and dlc's, which I didn't clean.

I tried to use modwatch, but I can't for the life of me get it to work and show any upload!

Maybe I'm setting the wrong paths to .ini and plugin list, but so far I cant figure out where I'm going wrong.


Screenshot of my LOOT load order:



My crash log:



EDIT: Got modwatch partly working with my Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini



My specs are:

CPU - i5 6600K

GPU - GTX 980 Asus Strix 4GB VRam

RAM - 16GB

OS - Windows 10 Home Premium


ENB - Realvision ENB for Climates of Tamriel

ENBoost - newest version, 0.308


Time to explain, everything started out just fine, the game launched, I did an alternate start and went straight to Whiterun, cleared some caves and such, but I found out dual wield blocking mod didnt quite work to my taste, so I uninstalled it. Did the first few storyline quests, explored some more until I had gold to purchase Breezehome and then it began.

I had several CTD's in Breezehome and did some googling, found out its a navmesh issue from the vanilla game, installed a fix from Nexus (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27053/?) and had peace for some time, but then the CTD's started again, had a single crash outside Breezehome, but didn't think anything of it, since I have 200 mods installed, that's bound to happen once in a while.

Since then it's gotten worse, I mostly crash indoors, but still frequently suffer a CTD when just running about outdoors, not doing anything special, not too often though.

Figured I'd need a new home and decided to go for Windstad Manor. I finished building the house, so I only had furnishings to go, but now I crash every few minutes inside the damn house.

Mostly it happens whenever I exit a container or menu using esc, but nonetheless it just seems to crash after a short time inside the house.

Looking at my log, there seems to be some errors hapening when I start the game, and then it mentions a CACO patch at the end, can anyone maybe tell if there is some compatibility issue there?

I looked through the different mods for incompatabilities before downloading and installing, but didn't really see anything to worry about.


Hope anyone knows why I'm having more and more frequent CTD's.

And if someone knows exactly what folders I need to pick for modwatch to work, please, do tell and I'll get it sorted asap!





P.s. I'm nearly at lvl 24 with a save file at 11mb, so it doesnt seem to be bloated?

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I think the problem is you have two incompatible mods, Realistic lightning interiors and Climates of tamriel interior.

Try removing one or the other I suggest reinstalling Climates of tamriel and taking off the interior lighting extension.

Hope this helps.

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Also, it sounds like you uninstalled a mod mid-game and installed another one later. Either item can cause problems later down the road ( I don't know anything about the two mods you talked about so it might have been safe.).

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I think the problem is you have two incompatible mods, Realistic lightning interiors and Climates of tamriel interior.

Try removing one or the other I suggest reinstalling Climates of tamriel and taking off the interior lighting extension.

Hope this helps.

I was already pretty sure that those two wasn't the issue, but I did an uninstall of CoT and reinstalled without interior lighting, so those two didn't have any conflicts.


Also, it sounds like you uninstalled a mod mid-game and installed another one later. Either item can cause problems later down the road ( I don't know anything about the two mods you talked about so it might have been safe.).

The mod I uninstalled was dual blocking, doesn't really touch anything large except adding the block feature to dual wield weapons and the one I installed was Breezehome Heartfire CTD fix, that shouldn't in any way affect Windstad Manor



I found the culprit though. I uninstalled CACO first, since one of its patches showed up in every crash log at the end, but that didn't solve the issue, next crash I noticed something about footprints at the end of the crash log and uninstalled the mod I have for that as well, but it didn't solve the issue either. By coincidence I managed to do a save inside Windstad Manor where if I'd immediately would approach the chest with everything I owned in it, I would get a crash 100% of the time, but backing away didn't make me crash. Quick Loot by himika was one of my favorite mods, but for some reason thats the one giving me the CTD's. After uninstalling I've had a good 6 hours of gameplay without a single crash.

I can't say if the issue had anything to do with the CACO mod and/or patches, didn't feel like reinstalling the mod, since I dislike the perk tree changes and the recipe changes it makes.

The quick loot page has some bugs reported where people have their games crash when having too many items in containers, for some it works to limit the mod and for some others they get a CTD at random times just by looting corpses or containers with few items.


Thank you for your replies though.


EDIT: Had one crash, but I'm almost certain that it was unrelated to this topic, since crash fix gave me a pop up telling me about it being a binary read error.

Wasn't at Windstad Manor, but in a small cave with a spriggan earthmother.

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