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CCOR,CCF and Immersive Jewelry problem with building bashed patch


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I am trying to build bashed patch with these mods included on,but bashed patch overrides everytimes regardless of tags every textures of vanillia item changed by immersive jewelry back on to vanillia.Merged patch was solution once but bashed patch stopped including him for whatever reason

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I honestly know nothing about this mod and this is the first time ive heard of it. With that said i went and read the mods description.


Make sure you load IJ AFTER CCOR. install order AND plug in order. Also do not allow SMIM or anything else to overwrite it.


Make sure you uncheck the options for jewel craft in the CCOR MCM.


Make sure you added the correct bash tags delev, relev, stats, and names.

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Correct bash tags,everyone says that to me i tried many combinations of tags and same effect every time.

Wich tags should have each mod??

I wanna that jewelry have Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade and Clutter and Clothing fixes changes like correct armor type,weight etc but textures i wanna from Immersive Jewelry/

I am total monkey with Wrye Bash if u could guide me how to achieve that i would be gratefull for that

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adding bash tags is very easy. Watch a good tutorial on youtube for wrye bash. GamerPoets makes some good ones.


Add the tags to Immersive jewelry.


and make sure its loaded AFTER CCOR and SMIM....you dont want it to be overwritten....thats how you lose the textures.


The bash tags only ensure it gets the correct stats.

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Oh well i done that immersive jewelry is last one while building patch but trough my misery its texture are still overwritten

I dunno how but i finally fix this thing after many tries and errors

Edited by Syq111
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Like i said make sure they arent overwritten in the PLUGIN order AND the INSTALL order.


These are different.


The plugins can be sorted correctly but if SMIM is overwriting it in the installation order then you wont get the textures...understand?


If using NMM you will have to uninstall and reinstall to ensure its not being overwritten.


If using MO (which ideally you should be cause its 2X better) you can just drag and drop in the left pane.

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