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Have mods fixed this game yet


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Not going to lie, Fallout 4 was the most wasted 90 bucks I ever spent. It makes me ashamed to be a Fallout fan. But, 'Mods will fix it!' It certainly made Fallout 3 playable and that was an even worse shitshow vanilla.


I've tried to passively check up on the state of modding, but I can't find anything. Mostly I'm waiting for a Project Nevada and a Fallout Classic Weapons mods because it doesn't really matter how goo the shooting is, if the weapons are laughable crap and you need thirteen headshots to down a Gunner.

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Well, thank you for the quick reply! And unlike DUST, I actually want to check out Frost at some point.

But in the same way, I wouldn't consider playing New Vegas without Project Nevada, I don't want to play Fallout 4 with a fleshed out, more realistic overhaul. I understand it might not be coming out for a while, I'm just trying to get headding on when.

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The Weaponsmith Enhanced 2 mod adds a huge number of weapons and realistically increases the damage braced on round and muzzle length. Someone with a hunting rifle is a real threat not just an annoyance, and that same rifle can one-shot mooks with torso shots.


Wow, that's a lot of f*#@ing weapons. I was waiting for the energy weapons, but this just might get me back in. Thank you.

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Liking Fallout 4 depends on what you like in a game. It seems great to me, but I like non-linear open-world shooting RPGs.


There are graphic mods that give you the look you desire. I needed to add a separate tree (Seasons spring) and grass mod so that the wasteland did not look so depressing. Fallout 4 will never attain the beauty of Skyrim, but it doesn't have to emulate hell.


A mod like Tales from the Commonwealth gives you better writing and voice acting than the original. Hope there is more like that to come. Games with an active modding community only get better over time. Looking forward to Fusion City Rising and Maxwell's World and Ellen - the cartographer. LlamaRCA's mod Heather will be a must try for me when it comes out.

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I really need a Fallout Classic Weapons and a realistic damage overhaul. I've wept all my tears over the dialogue system and the badly written story (which I like) and the utterly wasted setting of an unnuked city. I have a lot of problems with the combat mechanics: no non-lethal options, having to gather all the junk yourself, and of course the weapons suck, and not just because there are so many choice weapons to draw from Fallout lore.

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