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Help Converting "Japan Home Purchase"


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I've successfully converted many Oldrim mods for personal use in SSE but am finally stuck. I've been trying to convert JAPAN HOME PURCHASE for use as a player home but my game crashes to desktop every time I get anywhere near it. In the past, this has often been a mesh issue that I have overcome but I'm stymied this time. I'd really appreciate some help in finding the solution.

Here's what I have tried so far:

  • Installed the original version of the mod with no .esp or mesh conversion at all.
  • Updating all the meshes with SSE NIF Optimizer
  • Opening and re-saving the .esp in the SSE Creation Kit.
  • Cleaned the .esp with SSEEdit
  • Placed the .esp last in my load order
  • Removed the Real Shelter references from the .esp and RealShelter.esm as a master to eliminate the need for SKSE.

None of this has stopped the crash when I enter the area around the Japanese home or if I try fast traveling to it. PLEASE give suggestions. At this point I'm disappointed, as this is the only mod I have been unable to convert.


Thank you very much for any possible help


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BTW, my best guess is that the problem lies with the world space or the navmesh. The Creation Kit show an error in Tamriel 8,-8, saying the navmeshes need to be refinalized but I'm unable to do so. Every time I try to load the cell with the navmesh, Creation Kit crashes.


Problems with the cell or navmesh also seem likely since the game crashes even if I try to approach the area on foot. If I come from Riverwood, the game crashes near the end of the bridge.

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More testing. This affects a WIDE area. The Japanese Lodge is located north of Riverwood. The game crashes if I try to travel north from Riverwood, crashing the game as I cross the bridge out of the village. I can't fast travel to Honningbrew Meadery, to the north, without a crash.

What in an esp would affect such a large area?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi- just saw this thread. As I do not have any solution I wouldn't normally have piped up but I saw noone else had responded yet. I have this mod in Old Skyrim and experience similar problems- it seemed to me it was a navmesh conflict but I never found exactly what. That mod has some peculiar dirty edits that stick their fingers into other places in Skyrim (is your Bannered Mare renamed in German? The "daedra's best friend" quest title as well?) I tried cleaning saves, but the only thing that seems to have made it work (albeit temporarily) was running the game with mods disabled without saving until it was stable for a looong time, then loading mods back in at that previous save point. Kinda like running it sans mods was eventually overwriting an errant reference, but it always started misbehaving again a while later like the mod was actively scrambling something. Then I said screw it and avoided the area. I hope somebody comes up with something, I'd like to fix that mod even only SSE.

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Not a modder but have you tried first cleaning the OldRim version with TesVEdit, then using the old CK to try and finalize the unfinalized navmesh?


Not sure if this link will be of any help but this might do you some good https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1204263-tes5edit-help-cleaning-deleted-navmesh-record/ (As a packrat, I have a large collection of modding links but don't use them much).

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I did try TESVedit and the CK, but could never track down a guilty navmesh that cleared the problem. Although now this discussion has brought this back to my attention, maybe I'll give it another go- thanks for the link (Hah! I collect mod links too!)

Edited by lieninger
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  • 4 weeks later...

JHP also some(potential) problem textures as well. Whether or not they are the cause of the CTD I can't say for certain. Breti refuses to talk to anyone about any of his mods anymore, so is impossible for me to release the bug-fixed version of JHP I made for Skyrim Classic. SSE's problem could well be the navmeshes, but you have pay attention to some of the suspect meshes as well.

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