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112 Maximum Mods, No Main Menu


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For some reason, I can only load 112 active plugins in Skyrim. I have a total of 169 plugins installed, but if I activate any more than 112, the menu never appears. It works if I disable any active mods and activate others as long as it still stays at 112 or below. I have an alienware aurora desktop that can run Skyrim on Ultra quality and on my laptop, I can run well over 150 mods with no issues except those accompanying an old laptop.

Processor- Intel i5-6400 @ 2.70GHz Quadcore


Video Card- Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070

Using all DLC, and both NMM and LOOT.

Located in the default Steam Skyrim directory.

Launching through SKSE


Load Order-

0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
6 6 Falskaar.esm
7 7 ApachiiHair.esm
8 8 SkyMoMod.esm
9 9 MolagBalsInferno.esm
10 a WM Flora Fixes.esp
11 b GeneralStores.esm
12 c Simplycirclets.esm
13 d JSwords.esm
14 e Castle Draco's High Rrothgar Edition.esp
15 f LegacyoftheDragonborn.esp
16 10 JKs Skyrim.esp
17 11 DBERRSanctuary.esp
18 12 Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
19 13 Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp
20 14 CastleVolkiharImmersive.esp
21 15 Tes Arena - Skyrim Frontier Fortress.esp
22 16 Dragon Falls Manor.esp
23 17 Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
24 18 CastleGrey.esp
25 19 83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes_HighSpawn.esp
26 1a Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
27 1b RelicsofHyruleDragonborn.esp
28 1c FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp
29 1d Lightweight Potions and Poisons.esp
30 1e BetterBreezehome.esp
31 1f Undeath.esp
32 20 Coins.esp
33 21 BetterJorrvaskr.esp
34 22 Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp
35 23 w2salem.esp
36 24 Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp
37 25 Sky Haven Temple M&M3.esp
38 26 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
39 27 hearthfireextended.esp
40 28 Fort(ified) Dawnguard.esp
41 29 I5K Treasure Hunt.esp
42 2a Hunting in Skyrim.esp
43 2b Hebrock_Der Schatten von Meresis - EV.esp
44 2c UniqueSkullsDunlain.esp
45 2d SkullsOfSkyrimBlack.esp
46 2e SkullsOfSkyrimCollection.esp
47 2f Tower Of Skyrim 1.1.esp
48 30 Clockwork.esp
49 31 Schools of the Holds.esp
50 32 meadery.esp
51 33 TheFrontier.esp
52 34 Uniqueskullsofskyrimred.esp
53 35 DragonmournInn.esp
54 36 Cloaks.esp
55 37 SkullsOfSkyrimGreen.esp
56 38 lakeviewdock1.2.esp
57 39 TheDomain.esp
58 3a _pocketempirebuilder.esp
59 3b AdalMatar.esp
60 3c PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp
61 3d TGenhanced.esp
62 3e JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp
63 3f Tame Beast.esp
64 40 AgentOfRighteousMight.esp
65 41 Angelic_Demonic.esp
66 42 xamnant.esp
67 43 Animated Enchantments.esp
68 44 HearthFire Display Case Fix.esp
69 45 OrsiniumMod.esp
70 46 Better Vampires.esp
71 47 SimplyCircletsDistro.esp
72 48 Marriable Serana.esp
73 49 atticpale.esp
74 4a Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets.esp
75 4b attichjaarmarch.esp
76 4c ScopedBows.esp
77 4d LB_MuchAdoSnowElves.esp
78 4e CaranthirTowerReborn.esp
79 4f SnowElfCompGuild.esp
80 50 atticlakeview.esp
81 51 RavenCastle.esp
82 52 ForgottenCity.esp
83 53 DeadlyMutilation.esp
84 54 WheelsOfLull.esp
85 55 Space Wiking's Dwemer Exoskeleton.esp
86 56 Very High Hrothgar - Hardcore.esp
87 57 TheEggOfTime.esp
88 58 SNDsoftheNorth.esp
89 59 Honour of the orcs.esp
90 5a ColdharbourDaedra.esp
91 5b FalkreathSkyscraper.esp
92 5c BooksOfSkyrim.esp
93 5d summersetisles.esp
94 5e Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp
95 5f Dwemer Certified.esp
96 60 My Home Is Your Home.esp
97 61 Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
98 62 LBackpackAll.esp
99 63 GlassCrownCraftable.esp
100 64 ElvenCrownCraftable.esp
101 65 EbonyCrownCraftable.esp
102 66 DragonPlateCrownCraftable.esp
103 67 DragonCrownCraftable.esp
104 68 DaedricCrownCraftable.esp
105 69 Dragon Bone Mage Armor.esp
106 6a DragonCarvedArmorSet.esp
107 6b Dragon Soul Relinquishment.esp
108 6c DragonHideRobeArmor.esp
109 6d ExpandedJewelryCrafting.esp
110 6e SkaalHeavyArmor.esp
111 6f FableArmor.esp
Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp
Improved Dragon Shouts.esp
Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.esp
Improved Dragon Shouts - Dragonborn.esp
Knight Of Thorns Armor.esp
Magicka Sabers.esp
Marriable Serana HF.esp
Masters of Death.esp
plate hoods pack-higher armor.esp
Essential Blades.esp
Grandmaster Delphine.esp
Kickass Esbern.esp
Tribunal Maskes by Zairaam.esp
Tribunal Robes by Zairaam.esp
Medusa and Drakul Armors.esp
Daedric Reaper Armor.esp
Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
Order My Items.esp
Perfect Legionnaire - Troops Re-equipment.esp
Soulmaster Unlimited.esp
Animated Dragon Wings.esp
MikanEyes All in one.esp
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
Thanatos Dragonx.esp
Dragon Horns and Tails.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
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Guest deleted10552447

Lack of a menu is usually caused by critical problems with mods, especially missing masters, severe conflicts between plugins, or corrupted plugin files. Try testing each plugin individually. If one of those critical problems is the cause, the no main menu bug will occur no matter how many plugins you have enabled or disabled.

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Lack of a menu is usually caused by critical problems with mods, especially missing masters, severe conflicts between plugins, or corrupted plugin files. Try testing each plugin individually. If one of those critical problems is the cause, the no main menu bug will occur no matter how many plugins you have enabled or disabled.

LOOT says _pocketempirebuilder.esp and Eld_combinePotions.esp are both corrupt, but, running with pocket empire builder enabled still gets me the menu. It's only if i have any combination of more than 112 mods that the menu doesn't appear. I tried isolating any particular mods, and they're all fine. It only occurs if I have more than 112 mods. As soon as a 113th mod is enabled, no matter the size or compatibility possibilities, the menu refuses to show up.

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1. Legacy of the Dragonborn is really picky with what mods it is compatible with. I doubt very much that JK's Skyrim is compatible, but you may want to check on that.
2. Your Complete Crafting Overhaul has 2 mods it requires, and it requires them in a special order, which they aren't in.
3. One or more of your mods may require SkyUI to be installed, which it shows it is not active. I would activate it and place it right after your .esms
4. The failing menu could be SKSE related. Make sure you've installed it correctly.

5. I would reinstall the two corrupt files just incase. Make sure that the files themselves have data in it. If they don't, they are usually like 1kb and aren't working. If that's the case, try manually downloading.

Hopefully one or more of these suggestions help you. Also, test it out on a new game to make sure it isn't just your old save.

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Lack of a menu is usually caused by critical problems with mods, especially missing masters, severe conflicts between plugins, or corrupted plugin files. Try testing each plugin individually. If one of those critical problems is the cause, the no main menu bug will occur no matter how many plugins you have enabled or disabled.


This ^^^


OP already chose to ignore this advice. But this advice is 100% correct. Except missing master. If you had missing master youd never make it to the main menu.


conflicts, bad patches, bad plugins, can all cause the no menu issue. Awhile back i had a patch for an older version of immersive horses.....that mismatched patch caused a no main menu. Something simple as that.


You need to test plugins one by one to find the culprit

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Lack of a menu is usually caused by critical problems with mods, especially missing masters, severe conflicts between plugins, or corrupted plugin files. Try testing each plugin individually. If one of those critical problems is the cause, the no main menu bug will occur no matter how many plugins you have enabled or disabled.


This ^^^


OP already chose to ignore this advice. But this advice is 100% correct. Except missing master. If you had missing master youd never make it to the main menu.


conflicts, bad patches, bad plugins, can all cause the no menu issue. Awhile back i had a patch for an older version of immersive horses.....that mismatched patch caused a no main menu. Something simple as that.


You need to test plugins one by one to find the culprit

I'm telling you, I have checked them. I haven't played skyrim for months because of this issue. Heck, I can completely flip which mods I have installed and still get the menu. Top 112 only, menu. Bottom 112 only, menu. Random 112, menu. Any selection of 112 plus any single mod, no menu. It's not this issue. If it was, I would have solved it a long time ago. The plug-ins are fine. And I actually do have skyui and skse installed. For some reason though, they don't want to work right.
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1. Legacy of the Dragonborn is really picky with what mods it is compatible with. I doubt very much that JK's Skyrim is compatible, but you may want to check on that.

2. Your Complete Crafting Overhaul has 2 mods it requires, and it requires them in a special order, which they aren't in.

3. One or more of your mods may require SkyUI to be installed, which it shows it is not active. I would activate it and place it right after your .esms

4. The failing menu could be SKSE related. Make sure you've installed it correctly.

5. I would reinstall the two corrupt files just incase. Make sure that the files themselves have data in it. If they don't, they are usually like 1kb and aren't working. If that's the case, try manually downloading.


Hopefully one or more of these suggestions help you. Also, test it out on a new game to make sure it isn't just your old save.

1. I'll definitely check to see if that's the issue. Neither LOOT nor NMM told me anything negative about it. Though it did have a lot of files it over wrote from other mods.

2. I don't know which or which order, but I always LOOT sort and it's worked fine in the past.

3. It got sorted to the middle by LOOT so it was past the top 112 that I can have installed. I'm trying to play with all those mods active.

4. If I remember correctly, I think I did reinstall SKSE. I'll probably do it again.

5. I know pocket empire builder actually works. I can get it to run. Idk about eld_combine potions.

6. Thanks for all of your help. Hopefully I can get this working now and play online with it.

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1. Legacy of the Dragonborn is really picky with what mods it is compatible with. I doubt very much that JK's Skyrim is compatible, but you may want to check on that.

2. Your Complete Crafting Overhaul has 2 mods it requires, and it requires them in a special order, which they aren't in.

3. One or more of your mods may require SkyUI to be installed, which it shows it is not active. I would activate it and place it right after your .esms

4. The failing menu could be SKSE related. Make sure you've installed it correctly.

5. I would reinstall the two corrupt files just incase. Make sure that the files themselves have data in it. If they don't, they are usually like 1kb and aren't working. If that's the case, try manually downloading.


Hopefully one or more of these suggestions help you. Also, test it out on a new game to make sure it isn't just your old save.

1. I'll definitely check to see if that's the issue. Neither LOOT nor NMM told me anything negative about it. Though it did have a lot of files it over wrote from other mods.

2. I don't know which or which order, but I always LOOT sort and it's worked fine in the past.

3. It got sorted to the middle by LOOT so it was past the top 112 that I can have installed. I'm trying to play with all those mods active.

4. If I remember correctly, I think I did reinstall SKSE. I'll probably do it again.

5. I know pocket empire builder actually works. I can get it to run. Idk about eld_combine potions.

6. Thanks for all of your help. Hopefully I can get this working now and play online with it.

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