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not sure what's wrong


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Go to My Documents/My Games/Skyrim and open up Skyrim.ini.

Then add this:


If the section [Papyrus] already exists, then you might add it without the section identifier. Next time you start the game you should see a new folder called "logs" inside that folder. And there is another folder called "scripts" and inside that 4 new log files.

do this and spoiler the results here

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ok, I did as instructed. already had [Papyrus], but the lines for enablelogging, enabletrace, and loaddebug were all set to =0, so as instructed i changed those values to 1.

after running the game again and after it crashed yet again, I opened the folder, and yes there was a new folder called logs, but the folder was completely empty... no scripts folder inside of the logs folder

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No matter how you start the game alternate start or vanilla the only mods that should be active are character mods... body, skin, hair, skeleton, make your character start your life either outside of Helgan or via alternate life make a hard save and think about mods you want to play. Mod accordingly but mod so you can play the game having CTD is not playing... a playable game should run at-least 2 hours or more without an issues.

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i know lots of ppl that use all sorts of other mods other than charcter mods and don't have issues... I just don't understand why I'm having all the issues...


I have a mix of nexus and steam workshop mods. some mods I want aren't on steam, and some that are on both the nexus version gets a wall of error messages on tes5edit

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i know lots of ppl that use all sorts of other mods other than charcter mods and don't have issues... I just don't understand why I'm having all the issues...


I have a mix of nexus and steam workshop mods. some mods I want aren't on steam, and some that are on both the nexus version gets a wall of error messages on tes5edit

Two reasons first.. After you are happy with your character build this can take 5 minutes or 2 hours depends how picky you are. Then you start the game ie leave the cave or go to place via alternate life and do a hard save this give you a un-modded save point save for your character mods this can give you a good load point as sometimes in game saves will not load. However, this will load and after skyrim loads up with this save you can load your other game save point and start playing. This will save you from CTD trying to load a current save that everybody gets sometimes. Second starting a fresh game with 200 mods active can cause lots of issues as a CTD can happen and you have no idea what caused it ie your issue. You can do as you want but there are two types of people who play skyrim those who "play skyrim" and those who have constant issues and CTD. My last post sums it up if you cannot play for 2 hours or more without a CTD than you have an unstable game.

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