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Would this be a terrible idea?


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Some of you may know about my lore conversion project for Skyrim. For those of you who don't, I plan to replace existing lore entirely, make all mer and beast races human, make the Forsworn a more in-depth pagan faction being hunted by most large cities (and make them joinable), make magic entirely pagan-ish and forbidden (which means remaking the College of Winterhold into a large maleficar citadel), and generally converting the entire game to something following the motto of 'Everybody wants to think they're doing the right thing.'


The biggest problem I'm having is that the Companions don't fit into the new lore at all. Some towns, like Solitude, require only tweaking. Some Guilds, like the College, can be converted quite nicely. Daedric quests can easily be converted to 'Minor Deity Quests'. Others... not so much. The Companions, for example, are not going to be possible to convert. They have way too much vanilla presence and are too tied up in TES lore.This would mean cutting them entirely. (Werewolves, however, could remain.) Would this be a deal-breaker for many of you, seeing as this is a total conversion and you realistically can't expect to have all vanilla quests? Now, I know the Guilds are short and somewhat disappointing as they are, and I'd be adding at least as much content as I removed, but how many of you would see that a vanilla guild was removed and immediately decide not to download?

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Anything that ends in 'mer' like Altmer, Orsimer, or Dunmer. (High Elves, Orcs, or Dark Elves.) They would be changed to a human race, like a Nord or Redguard, not taken out :)
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I quite like the idea of Magic being outlawed, that would make mage characters more interesting and dynamic. I don't really have an opinion on the removal of guilds/quests as i haven't payed much attention to them yet. It could be that they simply don't interest me enough to do them, or perhaps it's my stubbornness from conforming to any structure in the game.
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