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All Dogs Retextured/Replaced - Request


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I've seen tons of retextures/replacers for Dogmeat... But what about all the other dogs in the Fallout 4 world? Particularly the mongrels.


I recently started using Crimsomrider's mod that retextures the raider dogs. (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20599/?) And it made me realize how absolutely hideous the wild mongrels and such are.


I'm using a mod that causes dogs to ignore you and makes them protected so they can't be killed by NPCs. (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19754/?) So having nice looking dogs running around the commonwealth would be awesome. Also would be cool to use the wasteland workshop cages to catch some dogs that actually looked like he belonged in my settlement. The junkyard dogs look okay, except some of their faces look injured. Would want that taken care of if possible, too.

I have a mod that retextures cats, another that retextures brahmin, etc. Now I need one for the dogs of the Commonwealth! :happy:


This may be non-lore friendly to some, but since I've probably put in over 1,000 hours into FO4, I don't really care for lore friendly things. I like clean, pretty things. Haha.


Please let me know if you're willing to take on this request, or post a comment if this is something you'd like to see, too!

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