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I've done extensive searching on the Nexus for a visor/headgear/scouter, like one found in the Mass Effect series, shown here.http://i50.tinypic.com/v6qlh1.jpg




Another example: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs11/i/2006/170/1/b/DBZ_Scouter_by_Drifter85m.jpg


I have absolute zero skill in modding, so if anyone could come up with something like these I would appreciate it so much.


For preference, I would want something similar to the Mass Effect gear, except a bit less clunky.

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I know there was a DBZ-like scouter for Fallout 3 in Book of Earache...


Thank you for replying.


I will check that mod out, and hopefully someone will be able to port it to New Vegas.


Edit: I found a version of BOE for New Vegas, but it seems that the mod is a complete overhaul of weapons. I already have a lot of overhauls running and I don't really want to change my set up.


However, I did more of a Google search and found a mod called "Sy's Scouter Eyepiece" that was originally for Fallout 3. However, the mod is no longer there.


Not that a beggar can be a chooser, but is anyone else willing to make this mod?

Edited by Trey7191
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