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Wanting to make some mods! (Read inside!)


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I need someone who knows how to model and someone who knows how to code! Can be more then one for each!


My ideas:

Horse cart - You know those small carts randomly lying in secluded places? They have no use from what I've seen, so why not put some use to them? Maybe make them so you'd have to add a chest to the cart, like buy the chest and put a building thing where you build it. Then attach a horse you own (Not one you steal)


Natural horse mannerisms - You never see horses grazing, just standing there. Why not add a mod that will make them visibly graze and interact with other horses?


Mind control - Controlling people for the NPCS with magicka power. If you are level 10 and down you can be mind controlled by the npc (depending on their power level, it can be for up to a day) and if you are 10 and up they are unable to control you.

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