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Scroll Crafting that makes sense


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I found it to be very confusing when the only mods for crafting scrolls involved doing so at a tanning rack. That doesnt make much sense to me. I think it would make much more sense to have it done at an enchanting table. Heres my idea:


A new menu for crafting scrolls (or spell tomes) would be added at the enchanting table, similar to armor, except the menu would require choosing what you want to bind a spell to, either a ruined/burned book or a roll of paper. You then choose the spell to bind to the object and choose a soul gem to finish the binding of the spell to the paper or book. You would learn spell enchantments by disenchanting scrolls or spell tomes. It makes more sense to me for a magic item to be enchanted rather then made at a tanning rack.


Would love some feedback on this idea. I am not a modder, so if there is a modder out there that would like to produce this mod, have at it, its all yours, as long as i get credit for the idea.

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