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constant CTD's


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I''l be walking around for like 2 or 4 minutes and the game will just crash for no apparent reason.

I have a few mods installed but I followed the directions to a tee....I just bought all the DLC recently and I really wanna play this game but everytime I wanna spend some time with it I run in this crashing problem.

no matter what mods I have installed I even tried to running the game with any overclocking that didn't help either.


Here are the mods I'm using



DXDIAg is also attached.


someone help me I wanna play this game so badly...I bought at release and never get very far because of these damn chrashes.

What really pisses em of I don't have this issue at all with FO3!!



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Learn how to sort your mods. Seriously.


FalloutNewVegas.esm ALWAYS goes first.


ok I get what your saying and it makes sense,does the new nexus manager have a auto sort like FOMM?

any other tips?

Edited by Zitrone87
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The new Nexus "Download frontend" does not have any of the features that FOMM has, except the package manager which is not at all compatible with FOMM's original stuff.


Basically... NMM is not FOMM and probably never will be.


I tried using FOMM but it doesn't want to work ever since I installed NMM even re-installing doesn't wanna help,it crashes on start-up.


Also besides the constant crashing I also this have the same problem as the guy in the Video......any recommendations on that?


Thanks for trying to help guys its really means a lot.

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You installed NMM to the same directory you installed FOMM to didn't you?


I'm afraid that your install log is destroyed. They use the same file but a different format. All the mods you installed with NMM are now crapped out because of this. Don't get me wrong, they should still work okay, but you won't be able to uninstall them with NMM.


If you uninstall them with NMM, uninstall NMM itself, reinstall FOMM and then reinstall your mods you should be in the clear.


Also, turn on Archive Invalidation through FOMM and those textures should be okay, if I don't miss my guess.

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You installed NMM to the same directory you installed FOMM to didn't you?


I'm afraid that your install log is destroyed. They use the same file but a different format. All the mods you installed with NMM are now crapped out because of this. Don't get me wrong, they should still work okay, but you won't be able to uninstall them with NMM.


If you uninstall them with NMM, uninstall NMM itself, reinstall FOMM and then reinstall your mods you should be in the clear.


Also, turn on Archive Invalidation through FOMM and those textures should be okay, if I don't miss my guess.


I did have archive invalidated on but that didn't help it seems like a random problem.because when I restart the game the problem is gone for a while before it appears again in some random place.

I'm starting over from scratch now btw with FOMM only.

One thing I wondered since it seems to happen at random?

I have a AMD PhenomII sixcore CPu and a 560ti wth 1gb of vram and 7gb system ram.

When using NVSE how do make new vegas run with the 4gb patcher,are then even compatible?

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