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Is there a mod to make the Thieves Guild questline less of a bore and a hassle?


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A mod that will allow you to take all the jobs at the same time so you can stop doing this in-and-out-twelve-goddamn-transitions-every-quest bulls***?

Really puts me off of doing the questline.



OR a mod that puts Dip and Shlt somewhere where there's less transitions? Rifton proper maybe?

Edited by Sebine
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You can limit the number of jobs to do with Thieves Guild Requirements. Set it to do just one in each city if you want before triggering the main city quests. It has a patch to make it work with Localized Thieves Guild Jobs so you can pick which city you want.


There may be an easier way to get in the Ragged Flagon, but I always use Nernie's Thief Pack if I'm doing Thieves Guild stuff. It adds a small home in the canal that has direct access to the Flagon to pick up those quests. Also adds a shop that buys stolen goods, along with some other features.

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