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[WIP] Belua Sanguinare Revisited


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I don't know. See, this is butting up against gameplay....I know it's not the same thing as being unstoppable, but what is the different between, say editing your vampire to be incredibly overpowered and opening up the console and simply ratcheting up your fire resistance to 100? Or something similar. Now, not to say it's bad, but I wanted to make it a new, unique way of playing, not simply being incredibly powerful. It's hard to put into words >.<


Now, however, that we FINALLY have the creation kit, it's time to get cracking! I don't think it should be to tooo hard to enable most passives..but I am, of course, just begging to be proven wrong with that statement.


Cursory glance and new skills and new perk trees are out of the question. That's quite alright from the skills perspective (I just thought it would be unique to use a "Skill" to track the level of progression however not having a perk tree kind of stinks. I hope I'm proven wrong on that. Outside of that, finally have scripting! Woot! We can start to get to work on staging out our system. Unfortunately, after yesterday's eye surgery, my vision is going back and will likely be bad for a few days while it goes through healing...ugh... to the point of nerve rackingly hard to read a monitor.



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Ok, i understand your point of view. I really do.

But what happens when you get to the final stage of vampirism?

Looking at the stats, i think if i were in the skin of the vampire, i would think:

"this is not enough! i need more power, i need more blood!"

So, i think adding more ( stronger ) stages of vampirism could make it more interesting and have a longer way to achieve the perfection. like a godlike dracula form. Yes, it would take A LOT of time to achiev it. Most people wouldnt even reach it. But some people would.

Besides, dont think this would cost you so much time. Just add a few lines for the new stage and change some values.


I hope you understand that i dont want to use cheats. I just want lots of oportunities to become stronger and stronger playing the game. Not just go to console and "player set.av health 9001"

Edited by espadaxin2
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Ok, i understand your point of view. I really do.

But what happens when you get to the final stage of vampirism?

Looking at the stats, i think if i were in the skin of the vampire, i would think:

"this is not enough! i need more power, i need more blood!"

So, i think adding more ( stronger ) stages of vampirism could make it more interesting and have a longer way to achieve the perfection. like a godlike dracula form. Yes, it would take A LOT of time to achiev it. Most people wouldnt even reach it. But some people would.

Besides, dont think this would cost you so much time. Just add a few lines for the new stage and change some values.


I hope you understand that i dont want to use cheats. I just want lots of oportunities to become stronger and stronger playing the game. Not just go to console and "player set.av health 9001"


I guess playtesting will tell but I certainly understand your point of view. Right now we have 5 levels planned out, there can always be more to see what is warranted. I have begun work on the foundation scripts now.



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Vampire Lord from Bethesda :smile:


The fact that they mention a Lycanthropy Perk Tree is exciting. I would REALLY love to have a Vampirism perk tree and was one of my original goals. I wish they would share how they did that.



They did it with Dev tools, not a crappy gimped modder tool like the CK. :wallbash:

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Vampire Lord from Bethesda :smile:


The fact that they mention a Lycanthropy Perk Tree is exciting. I would REALLY love to have a Vampirism perk tree and was one of my original goals. I wish they would share how they did that.



They did it with Dev tools, not a crappy gimped modder tool like the CK. :wallbash:


Yeah...I've spent MUCH time with TESVSnip just trying to hack it in but no luck.



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Well i tried to make this a mod request, but i was quickly put to page 5 by "can some one make me a bow that kills instantly" or similars


I'll repost here I like a lot of your ideas and the others that other people tossed around like extra glare and speachcraft to enter others homes, and no shrine buffs and suffer damage near them.


here what i had to say


"I tried seeing if i could alter this my self with the CK, but was greatly overwhelmed. there are others that i have seen that are similar but they have also been tweaked in the wrong direction imo.


Not looking to over power this just to make more sense to me personally and seem to go more in synch with traditional vampyric styles.


1) making it so you must Feed to maintain or increase powers, instead of feeding to prevent your powers from growing. all other powers and abilities will be normal and given at the appropriate stages,


2) doubling the effective drain damage of Vampiric Drain, from 2 to 4 ect for each stage and doubling magika cost too. As well as making it Silent to NPCs and replacing the Lightning sound when using it with the heartbeat sound from when you are low on health.

also, though optional, absorbing 100 health with Vampiric drain will count as a Feed and may if used too much advance you to the next stage.


3) feeding (only while sleeping) on a follower or Spouse will make them a stage 1 vampire, but they will not get stronger through stage advancement. so they can also gain the stealth bonus, gain vampiric drain and not suffer the same sunlight penalties as the main character at night time.


5) a visual gauge on your current level of vampirism. was thinking of having a bone like decoration around the compass with fangs coming down than get longer and longer the more you progress from stage to stage. I hate having to check my active powers list every time i fast travel to see at what stage i am. if that is too difficult then perhaps just a "thermometer" style gauge on the side of the screen.


6) Suffer half fall damage, for stage 2 and higher.


7) as Seduction is a once a day power, making it Pacify instead of calm and available at stage 3


8) Vampire sight at all stages an anytime power like the Khajiit.


EDIT: I guess the actually promote feeding and not just being a vampire with out penalties, I think making a bonuses only available at stage 2, but a stage 1 Vampire would only have the penalties like sunlight stat reduction and -25% fire resist, and then only getting frost resist at stage 2 starting at 50% and stealth bonus of 25%. So other than getting vampiric drain at stage 1 there would be no bonus, just penalties


That seems to sum it up for me. Still balanced imo , does not eliminate the need to feed as not feeding will make you revert back to stage 1. and makes being a vampire a skill that requires attention to keep.


Please let me know if these are not even possible or have conflictions with game mechanics. I think this could actually take off and be popular with others instead of the all power and no penalties versions that i have seen around.


If i didnt mention it then all current vampire powers are normal and progress appropriately eg resistances and stage 4 hate. "


I like idea of also killing others through feeding making them a zombie, but it seems to go in an odd direction, kill a whole house and you got a bunch of undead, seems more like Zombie outbreak.


How about when feed you add a "turned" person to your personal faction, they wont necessarily follow you unless they already could but they will automatically defend you should you be under attack.


You had said that vampires usually are more beautiful and as they age get more seductive, perhaps maybe adding an Aura to the character as they stages progress or situational, like in town and with friendly people a light/yellowish glowing aura, and when under attack it turns blackish like ebony mail effect only not as blacked out and saturated.


and if i shouldn't have referenced my mod request post then just delete it or let me know and i will.

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I don't have a lot of time these days, so I'm afraid I can't respond as thoroughly as I'd like to, but I will say this:


I really like the idea of having a vampires bite (by the player, in whatever form that "bite" takes, which is likely to be a super close range spell) having a small change to turn the AI into a...something. A thrall is possible, but an army of thralls seems very...overpowered, and the crime/detection system in game isn't advanced enough to create significant risk/suspicion as you make more. Zombies are not at all vampiric, but...they seem somewhat more balanced.



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