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[WIP] Belua Sanguinare Revisited


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Hi, I was wondering if you could somehow disable the fact that it does not let you jump while sprinting.

It seems like it might be rather difficult and we are in a sort of polishing phase so its just on my wish list.

Great job with the speed though!


Yeah, this is likely difficult (but I'd know less than MM, of course), as we haven't seen any mods like it...

As far as future planning goes...well..we've got enough ideas between the two of us to satiate you guys for a long, loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ;)

To say nothing of the potential need for polish and refinement, the degrees of which will be revealed in the beta.

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Well, you also need to remember that he was outside on a plain while he did that. In towns, and especially in interior locations, you will be going fast.

I just dont see 10% as that fast. I know its the first level but still. Superhuman remember. I feel like 10% hasnt even reached the equivalent of a human sprinter.

Maybe double all the speeds. start at 20% that will be a little bit better.

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Looking good! Not too fast, I think, which was what I was worried about. What's the flash of light at the transition?


It's the way the bloom and luminosity kick in I think. Quite honestly I didn't notice it till now! I'll see if I can make this smoother.


@To all,


Thanks for the compliments. We'll definitely take consideration the speed etc,. A note about the videos (and my past videos) since it does concern stamina drain.


I'm using my own personal stamina drain mod, as I HATE the default speed at which stamina drains in the game when you're sprinting. So... I can sprint for a longer time without the hit. If that's something you guys want in, let me know but the problem is it's a GameSetting. meaning you can't change the stamina drain speed off/on per character. IF the mod is loaded it would take effect assuming another mod doesn't override it. Why do I bring this up?


Because for those that don't think it's fast ENOUGH that's what Vampire's Speed is for. Vampire's Speed + Sprint = F A S T. It's something you consciously have to do. We discussed having overall speed multipliers but the problem with that is there are times where people purposefully want to walk slow and overriding all speed multipliers would not give people those freedoms so we changed it to just sprinting.


Refinements: There are certainly things to consider... For those that want faster, it's very possible to apply one set of multipliers when indoors and another when outdoors. That could work. But yes, at lower levels it's not as pronounced. Fledglings are ...really... not even SHADOWS of what they'll become. Risen's should see the first leap. So maybe we boost numes a small bit:


Fledgling - 10%

Risen - 30%

Master - 60%

Progenitor 90%

Sire - 110%


100% is very fast to me, but may not be to everyone else.


Carryweights - I'll concede that there needs to be some adjustment here. I'd consider the following:


Fledgling - 25

Risen - 50

Master - 75

Progenitor 100

Sire - 150


@FranzLiszt - Ahh man, that's a great idea. I think it's built into the game mechanics though but I'll give a quick cursory look. I think if it were possible we'd have seen something by now. Even if it's not it might be possible to "fake" it with a "Vampire's Leep" lesser power?


@Darksun45230 - Thank you. that made my day!


Please don't stop the ideas though. While I want us entering the polish stage for our beta release soon, we always have room to consider more.



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Jakisthe had wanted to create a summonable weapon that mimick'd the players attacks. Not something I could figure out how to do, but I did manage a very quick proof of concept peice to summon a war axe to do my bidding. I need to create a levelled list for this to use so weapons are appropriate for your level (I hope I can do that) and remove the.... voice over... unless people like that... I don't know...disembodied voices? What's next?




That poor guard. Not sure how to get rid of the voice....



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I'm using my own personal stamina drain mod, as I HATE the default speed at which stamina drains in the game when you're sprinting. So... I can sprint for a longer time without the hit. If that's something you guys want in, let me know but the problem is it's a GameSetting. meaning you can't change the stamina drain speed off/on per character. IF the mod is loaded it would take effect assuming another mod doesn't override it. Why do I bring this up?


Because for those that don't think it's fast ENOUGH that's what Vampire's Speed is for. Vampire's Speed + Sprint = F A S T. It's something you consciously have to do. We discussed having overall speed multipliers but the problem with that is there are times where people purposefully want to walk slow and overriding all speed multipliers would not give people those freedoms so we changed it to just sprinting.


I love the video. And also the part about giggling like a little girl while watching it, haha. I have similar sentiments. Seeing all this come together, my reactions are weird combinations of giddy laughter and spine-tingling awe. :woot: :happy:

I totally agree about changing the stamina drain speed as well. However, is there no other way to do it without it being a GameSetting so it could apply to specific characters? Or is that something you'd need a script extender for? Same question for changing speed multipliers. Could you adjust them ONLY when activating a particular ability so you could still walk at a realistic pace if you wanted?


I really think the Vampire Speed + Vampire Sprint is awesome and would work very well for the most part. However, it isn't very ideal for travelling, since it slows your player down enough to where you wouldn't bother with it. I know in general there ought to be limitations to speed while travelling if for no other reason than stability (since it could very well crash your game if the engine can't load a new cell fast enough while you're moving at 300mph)- but a vampire should be extremely fast. So, what I humbly propose- and you might hate me for this, lol- is (at least eventually) to make the 'slow time' effect on Vampire Speed either toggleable or activated only while in combat- that way you could cover lots of ground in real time, but not be "out-of-control fast" in combat or situations in tight-quarters. Essentially, there would be 2 versions of Vampire Speed: one with slow time, and one without. To me it sounds like it might be difficult to implement, or it might require a script extender.... ah damnit, I hope not, as I'm aware of your feelings about that.


That poor guard. Not sure how to get rid of the voice....




THAT is freakin' awesome. Very promising! Is the invis guy invincible? Are you going to make it so that the axe can be defeated? Or will it work with a very limited duration and be invincible?

Edited by phil11
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I totally agree about changing the stamina drain speed as well. However, is there no other way to do it without it being a GameSetting so it could apply to specific characters? Or is that something you'd need a script extender for? Same question for changing speed multipliers. Could you adjust them ONLY when activating a particular ability so you could still walk at a realistic pace if you wanted?


Speed Multipliers are per character. It's done via ModifyActorValue("SpeedMult", SOMEVALUE). The default value is 100 BTW. I can't think of any way to do the Stamina Drain modification on sprinting though outside of maybe SKSE.


I really think the Vampire Speed + Vampire Sprint is awesome and would work very well for the most part. However, it isn't very ideal for travelling, since it slows your player down enough to where you wouldn't bother with it. I know in general there ought to be limitations to speed while travelling if for no other reason than stability (since it could very well crash your game if the engine can't load a new cell fast enough while you're moving at 300mph)- but a vampire should be extremely fast. So, what I humbly propose- and you might hate me for this, lol- is (at least eventually) to make the 'slow time' effect on Vampire Speed either toggleable or activated only while in combat- that way you could cover lots of ground in real time, but not be "out-of-control fast" in combat or situations in tight-quarters. Essentially, there would be 2 versions of Vampire Speed: one with slow time, and one without. To me it sounds like it might be difficult to implement, or it might require a script extender.... ah damnit, I hope not, as I'm aware of your feelings about that.


So there's two things going on in that video. One is Vampire Sprint, which is literally just increased sprint speed. It's constantly on, doesn't drain any more stamina than normal sprinting and just increases your actual speed...again only when sprinting. When walking/running it does nothing. There's no slowing time for that, although I do change the color a little to green a provide some raidal blur.


The second is "Vampire's Speed" which is the slow time effect, implemented as a lesser power that is toggleable. In that video the last peice was to combine the two.


So the reason I'm stating that is I'm unsure of what your asking, and not sure if there's confusion in the presentation or I'm just tired. lol. Are you wanting like a toggleable version which works when you're running so you get a speed increase + no stamina drain at all and no blur effects, etc,.? I think you're asking the latter, so the answer is yes. I could do that as a lesser power.


THAT is freakin' awesome. Very promising! Is the invis guy invincible? Are you going to make it so that the axe can be defeated? Or will it work with a very limited duration and be invincible?


So in the video he's invincible and actually just dissapeared. I forgot to bind the unsummon effect to his script and I don't want the guy to be invincible but I needed to make sure the fight would last so I could watch it ...


The new version is just a war axe right now, and his stats are supposed to be multiplied by the player level so that he scales, with a maximum of whatever I set. Currently it's 500. Thats in theory and with no play testing to see if that's really what's going to be happening. So yes, the War Axe can be defeated now, and I like that. I don't want you conjuring repeatedly unstoppable war axes to do your bidding.


If I can figure out how to know when you're dual casting I'll have the guy equipped and dual weilding two waraxes.



Edited by MofoMojo
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heheheheh...that POC looks great! for the record, I don't mind the voices, but I imagine some people might.


Stamina seems like it could depend on the person. I, for instance, have no qualms with how the stamina drains as it is in vanilla. Seems like it should just be another mod :P


The speed thing will require tuning, but I think we should keep it separate from the time slow ability. I mean, you will go fast..but the effects are less pronounced when you're out in the wilds. Tbh, I've done some speed tests myself, and got all the way up to 5000% speed (so 50 times faster than normal), wherein my computer crashed the game :tongue: . It doesn't really get too hard to control as long as you keep it under 1000% speed. Actually, if you guys want to test the various speeds yourself,


player.setav speedmult #


type that into the console, and replace the # with the percent speed you'd want to go at. 100 is normal, and 5000 is...a bad idea, lol. But try it out!

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I totally agree about changing the stamina drain speed as well. However, is there no other way to do it without it being a GameSetting so it could apply to specific characters? Or is that something you'd need a script extender for? Same question for changing speed multipliers. Could you adjust them ONLY when activating a particular ability so you could still walk at a realistic pace if you wanted?

Speed Multipliers are per character. It's done via ModifyActorValue("SpeedMult", SOMEVALUE). The default value is 100 BTW. I can't think of any way to do the Stamina Drain modification on sprinting though outside of maybe SKSE.

Just to clarify...So for speed multipliers, you can't have one value for walking (so you can move at a realistic pace), and another separate multiplier for when you use sprint? You know, so you can both sprint very fast but not look like you're freaking out if you choose to walk.


So there's two things going on in that video. One is Vampire Sprint, which is literally just increased sprint speed. It's constantly on, doesn't drain any more stamina than normal sprinting and just increases your actual speed...again only when sprinting. When walking/running it does nothing. There's no slowing time for that, although I do change the color a little to green a provide some raidal blur.


The second is "Vampire's Speed" which is the slow time effect, implemented as a lesser power that is toggleable. In that video the last peice was to combine the two.


So the reason I'm stating that is I'm unsure of what your asking, and not sure if there's confusion in the presentation or I'm just tired. lol. Are you wanting like a toggleable version which works when you're running so you get a speed increase + no stamina drain at all and no blur effects, etc,.? I think you're asking the latter, so the answer is yes. I could do that as a lesser power.


Vampire Speed slows down time to simulate that your player is moving VERY fast, yet with extremely high reactions and reflexes, right? So I'm asking for a way to allow Vampire Speed to have another variation where the slow time effect doesn't apply, and you're moving as fast onscreen as what a bystander would see if he/she observed you with the slow-time effect on- ie. your true speed, the speed at which the slow-time effect is supposed to simulate. I wouldn't mind if it still drained stamina as long as it was very slowly. I don't mind blur effects either. To be clear, I'm not really asking for a separate power, per se; it could still be called Vampire Speed. I was hoping you'd be able to allow it, once activated, to either automatically turn on it's slow time affect when in combat and turn off outside of combat, OR to have a separate toggleable key to change from using the 'slow-time' effect to the 'actual-speed' effect. It would let Vampire Speed still combine with Vampire Sprint and make exploration and travel not burdensome by the slowing of time.


Example: You're in a fight with a lone town guard. You turn on Vampire Speed, and things go in slow motion. As you fluidly dodge and counter his attacks, he percieves you moving at extraordinary speed and with superhuman reflexes. You dispatch him fairly easily. Combat ends, but your Vampire Speed power is still on. However, the slow time effect turns off (either automatically or you pressing some hotkey) and you now see yourself move at your true speed, the same as what the guard saw when he fought you.


So in the video he's invincible and actually just dissapeared. I forgot to bind the unsummon effect to his script and I don't want the guy to be invincible but I needed to make sure the fight would last so I could watch it ...


The new version is just a war axe right now, and his stats are supposed to be multiplied by the player level so that he scales, with a maximum of whatever I set. Currently it's 500. Thats in theory and with no play testing to see if that's really what's going to be happening. So yes, the War Axe can be defeated now, and I like that. I don't want you conjuring repeatedly unstoppable war axes to do your bidding.


If I can figure out how to know when you're dual casting I'll have the guy equipped and dual weilding two waraxes.



Ah ok. Very good idea to have that, and also very creative way to implement it! I can't wait!


lol @ conjuring unstoppable war axes

Edited by phil11
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