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[WIP] Belua Sanguinare Revisited


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Hey Asuke! Welcome to the thread! In response to your suggestions:


-We are working on tweaking the power of the weapons and their relationship to the companion engine.


-Light and it's subsequent control remains a bit of a difficult subject for modders in general; nevertheless, MM has made some very promising headway :D

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Hey! I've been following this topic for a while now, and I'm really excited for the release.

I have a quick question.

How does biting work for a none stealth character? Is it possible for me to get to the sire stage with my warrior?

Thanks for making this mod.

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Yep! Very possible. You could feed on them while sleeping (especially with the new and workingimproved spell to make them sleep), or to finish them off in combat. We're really trying to get this to be as balanced as possible across all playstyles. Edited by Jakisthe
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I second the comments from Jakisthe. Sneak Feeding is really just in there to provide stealthy characters an extra option, albeit somewhat risky, over other Vampires. In fact, if you like nothing better to do than fight, you could theoretically Feed Attack your way to sire. Although that would take a very long time so expect to have to break into houses, kiss a few victims, charm some innkeepers, to get to Sire at a reasonable pace because we also removed the "Invulnerable/Protected/Essential Follower loophole" for the most part. You can only feed once in a 24 hour period from them now.


Status Update!

We're getting very close now. Much of everything that rose up as feedback in the beta has been taken care of now, except a few issues that we haven't been able to reproduce. I'm REALLY liking how Vampire's Kiss is working now. It's VERY effective. I think there's also a lot of strategies to combat now with regards to healing and maintaining stamina and magicka levels that simply weren't in the beta. I do have my reserves that it might give the Vampire a little TOO much of an edge, but then I also don't play on Hardcore level either (forget the name) and so I can see for those that might, these changes may be necessary.


I need to add in a little more fit and polish, get some sound effects hooked up to spell casting and I think we'll be ready for a release. Actually, and this is probably a bit too overzealous on my part, I am hopeful that we have a release candidate by the end of the weekend.


Edit: Well, we do need to write up the release documentation, and probably get some release videos and screens together. And I can't wait for the next BETH update as they seem to be adding some new Vampire Feed animations for us to use. Crappy sneak feed animation be gone! (hopefully)



Edited by MofoMojo
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Yay, just a few days! Yesterday I started to sort out my mods, deinstalled some, installed some new, changed the language of my Skyrim to english to be prepared for you mod and now I read: It was the perfect time for me to do so.

Keep on with your great work.

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Yay, just a few days! Yesterday I started to sort out my mods, deinstalled some, installed some new, changed the language of my Skyrim to english to be prepared for you mod and now I read: It was the perfect time for me to do so.

Keep on with your great work.


Hey Leeira, Good to see you still around.


Status Update

Lots of polish attempting to be made. Final bugs worked out with Lumen Extinguere (Lightsap). You can now snuff out torchs from sconces and carried torches by guards and other NPCs. Each torch you snuff provides you with some restored magicka as well, in case you're running low.


Finishing touches on our version of "Embrace the Shadows", an invisibility spell that isn't cancelled unless you enter combat, enter direct sunlight, or it finishes out its own duration (60 seconds).


Put some tweaks into Forma so it doesn't burn up magicka quite so quickly as it did in the Beta. I think I have sound effects and casting art all hooked up to the spells now. Only thing left to do spell wise is to hook up the menu markers.


Combined Sense Dead with a new Sense Undead, named Immortui et Morte Senso.


Finally the last thing I need to do is probably get some more tweaking around "Drain Lifeforce" and "Blood Rend" in regards to drain amount and magicka consumption. Journals need some final adjustments to grammar that I have feedback from nskin039 on, and just need to make sure it's in all 5 copies.


I think after that is done...we're about as ready as we're ever going to be. Otherwise, we could keep tweaking here and there and never really get to a release. Have a good Cinco de Mayo if you're celebrating, and be safe!



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Should be very soon! Sorry guys, both MM and I have been incredibly busy this week.


That said, here's where we stand:

-major balancing and tweaks from the beta input have been done

-one very minor nitpick of mine concerning a spell needs to be cleared up

-release doc is being written up


Actually, it's mostly on me for a once over to make sure it all in good order, and to crank out that doc. Should be -and don't quote me on this, in case something for some reason goes incredibly wrong but- it's looking like it'll be out by this weekend.

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