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[WIP] Belua Sanguinare Revisited


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I'm a huge follower of Belua Sanguinare Revisited mod but I mostly stay in the shadows. The perk tree sounds interesting but some of the perks just doesn't sit well with me, but I will go down the list of perks.


- 1. Lust for power: Does this suggest the lord transformation will not be an anytime use ability like DG vanilla? I'm hoping that's not the case. If it's just another(sort of immersive?) way to add in the vampire lord, while it still being an toggable power, then it still doesn't sound like a good perk tree ability to me. If it's the latter I think it should be added but not as a perk. Kind of like the Tales of Lycanthropy mod moon based transformation but a vampire adaptation, meaning you go berserk because of the hunger not from the moon. It makes you transform after a certain time(every 1-2 hours?), until you get off of the starvation level. "Power Bites" may can help towards getting satiated and prevent starvation. After all a vampire lord is the last stage of evolution and shouldn't be as hard to get a blood fix but should have a greater thirst than the "lesser" vampires to maintain control over such power.


- 2. Vitiate: another perk that doesn't fit the concept of the perk tree. While the starter abilities are usually smaller compared to the later perks, this just doesn't help you "grow" at all. 1) this could be added as a regular concept and stop the current wait period required to actually regress. 2)add an extra effect to it. Since Vitiate also means to spoil or taint, adding in the vampire lords(for the transformed state) Poison Talons could fit well here or a Drain effect if not poison. This minor change still gives that sense of growth. note: I think the vampire should remain the opposite of a werewolf(more magic based) so the claws should not become too overpowered but good enough once perked as that would completely destroy the point in being a werewolf for those that still want that as an option while using this mod.


- 3. I really do not like this idea as it unbalances, what I think, is the basic design of Skyrim. You fight and become stronger with what you use. While the idea of mixing and matching your perk points with the vanilla game tree(armor, weapon type, enchantments, etc) with the strengths you acquire by using skills, for me it changes when you add in a tree specifically for vampires/werewolves. Those are huge game changes compared to staying mortal(especially when modded). When I'm a vampire I find myself using a lot more vampire abilities(Dark sacrifice, Drain magic, etc) than regular magic which doesn't raise my destruction skill or any other. This shows how vampires and its evolution are not on equal grounds with anything a mere mortal can do. With this mod you can be a powerful vampire and never need to pick up a sword or train the normal combat abilities, especially in DG. Vampires and the abilities a mortal can practice are very much separate and I think this should remain as such.


However, Transcendence can mean to go beyond. So maybe allow the regular vampire to use the Bat Form ability of the vampire lord or make it an aura that phases you partially into the soul claim, which decreases physical/magical damage by a percentage. Just some ideas playing off the name given.


- 4. I'm a bit confused by this perk. What ability does this relate to, as I don't think I ever used it or very often. Also it restores 50% more magica in exchange for +20/30 destruction and sneak for 2 minutes? It says in exchange so are you taking a hit to these skills or is it a gain and you lose magicka? I'm not sure about this perk so I can't really say I agree or disagree, however I'll still give an alternative for extra ideas.


This could augment the Darken ability, allowing longer duration(50%?) and at the cost of extra magicka or give players the bat aura like ability(night cloak) from the vampire lord vanilla tree at the cost of extra magicka. Special effect on the dead bodies could also add some flavor if possible. To give an image of what I'm thinking of http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/14692-2-1334348382.jpg. This is from the burn freeze shock mod, but again only for a visual reference, not stating to take it. Notice how the skin looks a bit plagued/dark in various areas, it would be like you transferred some of the Darken effects to a mere mortal and this would be the effects of how it consumes and destroys the body internally. - Note -: I'm a visual fanatic when it comes to magic lol, I like seeing the reactions of devastating magic after it hits its victim besides just a lowered hp bar. This(or any other magic visual idea I give) doesn't have to be added, just giving extra ideas where I can.


- 5. Bound in Blood: I like the basic concept of this ability one strike and you lose your soul. It just feels like its missing something. Maybe take the soul then re-raise the body as a temp follower? It would go well with Dark Sacrifice but could potentially be very overpowered unless a certain limit was created. For example make Dark Sacrifice a one day power or make the magicka costs limit the spamming of the two abilities making you unstoppable.


- 6. Symbiosis: So Drain could also take someones magicka if that is my highest allocated stat when compared to stamina? That is a very cool addition to make drain better. I can't think of any alternatives to this.


- 7. Congeal: This is something I would also love lol, so many times I try to finish off my opponents very quickly just so I'm not left with only 1 heart to harvest.


- 8. Addictive: Another good perk to compliment the base vampire form.


- 9. Abstain: A decent perk for the base form. It just takes away from Sumo Mortalis. Sumo Mortalis is a cool ability, makes you feel like a concealed wolf among sheep, so I don't think it should be undermined by a perk that seems to allow you to still look like a vampire but others completely ignore the yellowish/black eyed fiend. This perk should enhance Sumo in some way or be given some other role. Currently can't think much of an alternative but will brainstorm on it later.


- 10. Crepuscular: I think as a Vampire(with this mod) you have more than enough strong life draining abilities at your disposal. However, I like the concept of increased darkness hours. However with DG released I think allowing you to conceal the sun as a power(without the need for arrows as with vanilla), would be very cool. Since this is a perk it probably could change Vocare Caligo. Maybe still have a limited duration(unlike the full day duration power of the arrows) but spawn vampires or Draguar(they look cooler than regular skeles and In DG most vampires cattle are Nords anyway) to attack/follow for the duration. However, such power should be late game and only a once a day power.


- 11. Overkill: I think this perk should be given to the Power Bite ability for the vampire overlord and when a base Vampire feeds/sneak feeds. However, it should not stack with each feeding.


- 12. Familiarity: I like this perk, but how so? Will it allow me to Thrall victims of higher level BUT scale their level down to mine? Either way it sounds great. I haven't thralled anyone yet, but always get a "they are higher level" description or something when I try regardless of the victim. So I'm hoping I can change their gear as well.


- 13. Bloodletting: Sounds good but not very useful overall. I don't run across loads of people that use poisons. Maybe you lose satiation for every hit you endure during the vampire lord transformation BUT you will be invincible and not lose any hp during the process with an aoe fear effect to anyone nearby you. Note: an added cynical laugh during the transformation would be amazing in my opinion(at least on paper >.>; would have to test it and see). This is based on the therapeutic measure meaning for bloodletting.


- 14 - 17 are not bad and the Vampire Lord is already limited in abilities, but these are cool additions that were already given to it.


The vampire lord should maintain Night Cloak or some other aura like late game ability though. I think The vampire lord should also keep the lust for power perk also but just given to you once transformed, without needing to spend a point for it.


Vampire Lord effects/random brainstorm ideas:


- Fortify Stats(Magicka, Stamina, Health) by X amount


- Make sure they have the Vamp reflexes that this mod gives you for when an opponent uses a power attack(haven't tested to see if this works yet already but just a thought).


- Give Vampire Lord the Head crushing ability like Werewolves have, when opponent is low on hp while you hold both attack buttons(in melee mode)


- Give The lord form the new Dawnguard base form Vamp Eyes, since I feel they look a lot more menacing especially at night when you can barely see the characters face but those evil eyes are scary as they pierce the darkness of night. Currently the Lord form just makes you look like an hideous creature but the eye change will make you look more menacing, especially at night anyway).


- If the Vampire Lord Form remains very powerful (which honestly can be justified, since it's the ultimate step in evolution) there should be a cooldown period between uses. Not a painfully long cooldown but the power given is way too great to be a off/on back to back ability. I'm thinking from anywhere from 3 to 10 mins is reasonable. Testing would be needed to find the sweet spot taking into account how many places a lord cannot go because of its size, that an average player goes through. The more constant you find yourself in these situations the lower that number should probably be. While still keeping it fun to use rather than an ability you hold on to because you're scared you might need it later.


- Have Power bite restore satiation and count towards the drained hp % for helping advance vampire ranks. This would help those that prefer a more Warrior/Savaged killer Vampire experience instead of the lurker in the shadows type. Since it's much easier to pull off and the opponent must have low hp, it should give less satiation(-25% to -50%) when compared to sneak feeding.


Base Vamp form:


- Change Sneak/Feed animations to the new Dawnguard animations. They are a lot more immersive than the current BSR ones. Also looks weird to have the options Feed and BSR feed. I would rather it be one option(Feed) but does what BSR feed do just have the better animations.


I could come up with more but It's very late :sweat: .


Most of my ideas make the Vampire very powerful if all were unlocked, I think there should be a very steady but nice lengthy process to acquire all of the perks.


***NOTE: This is just feedback and my thoughts on the matter, this by no means is a "You must do this!" type of post. These are some ideas to help with this amazing mods development. Also, some of my perk ideas might make a few(1 or 2) current abilities a bit redundant and pointless, however I tried to prevent such a thing from happening when I went idea crazy.



Edited by Akumu187
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First I just want to say I love BSR! I have only been using it for the last few weeks and its pretty much added more enjoyment to Skyrim for me then any of my other 90+ mods. Love the abilities and pure style vamps have with the current version and could not possibly be happier with the quick responses Mojo and Jakisthe have provided to questions and suggestions in the BSR mod threads.


These are just my thoughts and everyones vision of vampires varies so hopefully this is helpful but if not thats cool and I am sure you will make it rock no matter which direction you go with it.



1. Lust for Power: Upon reaching starving, you have 10/15/20/25/30 seconds to satiate yourself, or you’ll turn into the vampire lord for 5/4/3/2/1 minutes. 0/20/40/60/80


- Dunno if I understand this one. You use a perk to penalize yourself and force a change? Not sure it even makes sense as the change only lasts a couple minutes when starving instead of till you feed? I think it would make more sense if BSR just forced you when starving to go Lord form and hated until you feed and this perk would just maybe reduce the mana cost on Sumo Mortalis to help you hold off these affects?



2. Vitiate: Regression is now automatic should you meet the requirements. (30)


- Another perk point spent to penalize yourself. Dont like this one.



3. Transcendence: Vampire perk points can now be used as normal perk points. (30)


- Seems very unbalancing in this state, I mean you are already going to be getting perk points for your normal leveling then this stacks on a bunch more? Not sure I have any ideas how to make this better.



4. Umbral: Draining light from the area now restores 50% as much magica as it did before, in exchange for +20/30 to destruction, and sneak for 2 minutes. (70/90)


- Like this one quite a bit, especially the bonus to stealth which makes sense as you have made the area darker. The problem I have is that it seems to work on very few lights in the game right now. Still this is a solid perk.



5. Bound in Blood: Casting Blood Rend now soul traps the first enemy it makes contact with, placing it in the correct sized gem. (65)


- I am assuming it only soul traps them if they die just like normal soul traps and if so this seems like a good perk.



6. Symbiosis: Drain Life now also drain [whichever is highest between your magica or stamina], but requires [whichever is lowest between your magica or stamina] to maintain. Equal levels mean it acts as though there is no perk. Second level drains +1 per second of (random trait), lasting [(V*D)/2]x minutes, where V=vampire level and D=the duration of the drain in seconds. (15/40)


- I like this but I would really like to see a multiple stage perk that increases the primary health portion of the drain, possibly as a different perk, or in place of this. This would probably also require some modifications to the current BSR drain to balance it out but would really lend itself to allowing users to customize their vampire to their play style. If they want to go caster heavy they take perks here to beef up Drain life, if they want to go melee heavy vamp (like me!) they go down a different branch and get multi step perks that increase the damage bonus and heal from Darken instead.



7. Congeal: Hearts are now harvestable for 1.5/2x as long. (30/60)


-Seems pretty solid, might also want to increase the delay before they rot as part of this perk.



8. Addictive: Racials drained last for 1.5x as long, but cannot be overridden until they run out. (50)


-Dont really have much of an opinion on this one. Its interesting and I like it, just not sure I would bother spending a perk point on it with the negative side added in.



9. Abstain: Your “Attack on Sight” levels are now lowered by 10/20 rank. (70/90)


-Dont understand this one. AoS is based on which stage of satiation you are at correct? So if you you are normally AoS at famished does this lower it to starving? If so I like it.



10. Crepuscular: While under the effects of Darken, (night hours are now an hour longer at dawn/dusk each and animation triggering kill attacks at night refills half your health). (65)


-Personally I would rework this one as I talked about above in Drain life to be a multi stage perk increasing the bonus damage and heal given by Darken allowing someone to push down the melee side of things. Possibly also increasing the durration via the perks. If you are not interested in going that route I would at least rethink the trigger for the half health heal at night as that infringes on the users ability to use other mods like Dance of Death which could quickly unbalance this power.



11. Overkill: Killing via feeds now grants an extra temporary +[(100-Satiation)-(npc%)] health shield to your current maximum. Satiation is…well, satiation, and npc% is the percentage of health they had before the fatal feed. So if you have 80 satiation, and your target had 10% before you drained it all at once and killed them, you’d get an extra (100-80)-(10)=10 health added to your maximum until it’s knocked off by an attack. Second rank grants twice as large a shield. (15/40)


- I like it! I think it would definatley take some testing to see how it really feels in game but sounds good.



12. Familarity: Raising a thrall is now twice as likely (contingent on thrall success rates being added >_<) (30)


- A good perk for someone who wanted to go heavy into minions, would work well on the caster side of the tree if there was one.



13. Bloodletting: Being hit with poison now subtracts 5 satiation from your current, but your weapon has that poison applied for the next 15 attacks. (50)


- Interesting perk, might be a bit overpowered in some situations seeing as how vamps are already highly poison resistant. I can imagine you just slaughtering Falmer after a Reaper spits on you. Then again not many things use poison at least as far as I know so I am not sure how much milage people would get out of it. Very situational.



14. Corpse Curse: The exact same power from DG, usable only while a lord. (55)


- So this is basically just Coprse Curse period seeing as how you could already only cast it as a lord?



15. Summon Gargoyle: The exact same power from DG, usable only while a lord. (25)


- Personally I would like to see you be able to cast this outside of Lord form, maybe with some other requirement like a regent or satiation hit.



16. Vampiric Grip: The exact same power from DG, usable only while a lord. (25)


- Another one I would like to see you be able to use outside Lord form via the perk maybe with a satiation hit when you use it.



17. Mist Form: The exact same power from DG, usable only while a lord. (55)


- I am not really a fan of having to go Lord form to use abilties. Seems like it would just penalize people who wanted to play more human vamps. I would prefer lord form to be a boost to all the abilities you already have. I see it as the vampire going all out, busting out the big guns but at the expense of using up its blood resources. It would be cool imo if you had a heavily increased satiation drop while in lord form (like bumping the natural satiation deteriation to triple while in lord form but giving a flat boost to your abilites like drain life, darken, vamp grip etc. A perk like this could then boost that flat increase (magnitude) to vamp abilites based on what rank they have of the perk.



Also I would love to see some additional perks such as Vampiric Seduction. I posted on this in the mod thread and will paste it on the end here:


Gotta say I am LOVING the changes with vampires kiss where it can be activated via chatting with the npc.


I would really like to see the idea of vampire seduction expanded on where my vampire could go into an inn at night and go up to one of the patrons talk with him/her and pass a boosted persuade check (based on vampire level and contingent on having the vampire kiss ability) to get them to follow you into a back room or outside into a dark alley where you can feed on them with the new standing animation. Then after the 60 seconds or whatever they wander back to whatever they were doing with no memory or crime, unless you killed them of course. ;)


Could tie in with the new BSR perk tree too with a Seduction perk that boosts your chance at the persuade based on how many ranks you have in it.


Also if new abilites are in the works (dunno which if any in particular) such as claw attacks with the new animations some perks to increase that damage would be awesome as well.


Like I said earlier, I am sure whatever you guys decide to do is going to be amazing, I can tell that from what you have done with BSR already and all the customization you built in for us.

Edited by Pixiestone
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Mmm...finally, a long area of discussion in MY area of expertise :P


Two things right off the bat though:

-I am trying to keep it away from simple stat shifts, much to MMs chagrin, and actually open new doors of gameplay

-Most of these are side, or at best, diagonal-grades. Very few straight up; that was by design. Avoiding power creep is one of my main focuses, and I don't want players to feel handicapped because they don't have such an such perk. Remember, it's not like the vanilla game, where less perks in one tree means more in another. Everyone is a vampire.


Let's get cracking!


"1. Lust for Power: Upon reaching starving, you have 10/15/20/25/30 seconds to satiate yourself, or you’ll turn into the vampire lord for 5/4/3/2/1 minutes. 0/20/40/60/80"


Akumu: Does this suggest the lord transformation will not be an anytime use ability like DG vanilla? I'm hoping that's not the case. If it's just another(sort of immersive?) way to add in the vampire lord, while it still being an toggable power, then it still doesn't sound like a good perk tree ability to me. If it's the latter I think it should be added but not as a perk. Kind of like the Tales of Lycanthropy mod moon based transformation but a vampire adaptation, meaning you go berserk because of the hunger not from the moon. It makes you transform after a certain time(every 1-2 hours?), until you get off of the starvation level. "Power Bites" may can help towards getting satiated and prevent starvation. After all a vampire lord is the last stage of evolution and shouldn't be as hard to get a blood fix but should have a greater thirst than the "lesser" vampires to maintain control over such power.


Pixie: Dunno if I understand this one. You use a perk to penalize yourself and force a change? Not sure it even makes sense as the change only lasts a couple minutes when starving instead of till you feed? I think it would make more sense if BSR just forced you when starving to go Lord form and hated until you feed and this perk would just maybe reduce the mana cost on Sumo Mortalis to help you hold off these affects?


Me: This one, besides being an alternate way to get lord (which is to say, yes, you can use it normally), is two fold: a) to present an additional wrinkle to starvation, with all the power and weaknesses that come with it, and b) to provide an element of risk for those who partake in the skill tree. Again, I am loath to introduce things which are pure power upgrades, else it begins to eclipse the other balance in the game and the mod. I wanted this initial perk to be something which all players would have to accept in their path to greater power (along with a few added negatives). Not to mention, depending on how I balance the acquisition of using lord in the first place, considering this is free, it may very well be a good thing to begin with.




"2. Vitiate: Regression is now automatic should you meet the requirements."


Akumu: another perk that doesn't fit the concept of the perk tree. While the starter abilities are usually smaller compared to the later perks, this just doesn't help you "grow" at all. 1) this could be added as a regular concept and stop the current wait period required to actually regress. 2)add an extra effect to it. Since Vitiate also means to spoil or taint, adding in the vampire lords(for the transformed state) Poison Talons could fit well here or a Drain effect if not poison. This minor change still gives that sense of growth. note: I think the vampire should remain the opposite of a werewolf(more magic based) so the claws should not become too overpowered but good enough once perked as that would completely destroy the point in being a werewolf for those that still want that as an option while using this mod.


Pixie: Another perk point spent to penalize yourself. Dont like this one.


Me: Yep, this one is a straight up bad one, no bonuses here. What IS important to note is that it opens a much, MUCH quicker path to Transcendence. This one is meant to be "optional", in that someone who just wanted the consummate evolution of the ability would have to give up control...or wait like everyone else. What's more, it's not so much a starter perk...just the one which I labeled "2" because I was lazy :P




"3. Transcendence: Vampire perk points can now be used as normal perk points."


Akumu: I really do not like this idea as it unbalances, what I think, is the basic design of Skyrim. You fight and become stronger with what you use. While the idea of mixing and matching your perk points with the vanilla game tree(armor, weapon type, enchantments, etc) with the strengths you acquire by using skills, for me it changes when you add in a tree specifically for vampires/werewolves. Those are huge game changes compared to staying mortal(especially when modded). When I'm a vampire I find myself using a lot more vampire abilities(Dark sacrifice, Drain magic, etc) than regular magic which doesn't raise my destruction skill or any other. This shows how vampires and its evolution are not on equal grounds with anything a mere mortal can do. With this mod you can be a powerful vampire and never need to pick up a sword or train the normal combat abilities, especially in DG. Vampires and the abilities a mortal can practice are very much separate and I think this should remain as such.


However, Transcendence can mean to go beyond. So maybe allow the regular vampire to use the Bat Form ability of the vampire lord or make it an aura that phases you partially into the soul claim, which decreases physical/magical damage by a percentage. Just some ideas playing off the name given.


Pixie: Seems very unbalancing in this state, I mean you are already going to be getting perk points for your normal leveling then this stacks on a bunch more? Not sure I have any ideas how to make this better.


Me: Don't just think of this as the perk by itself, think of it as an ends after all the other perks. If, for instance, you go the vitiate route asap, you need to have drained an additional 3670% blood damage from guys ( percents drained before activating the perk tree don't count in this regard), and have killed at least 45 people...and then, one more perk point in use for vanilla skyrim would require you to kill 25 more people, etc (all while ignoring the rest of the vampire tree). This is, of course, in addition to the negatives from vitiate.

If you forgo vitiate entirely, then it's even harder to reach. At that point, you'll have at least 70 in the skill, which requires a whopping 15575% drained total, and 100 people killed to even activate the perk. Then, for use in vanilla, you'll need to kill 35 people for every additional perk dot while, again, ignoring the rest of the vampire tree. Frankly, looking at some of those numbers, might even be a good thing to turn it down a notch >.<



"4. Umbral: Draining light from the area now restores 50% as much magica as it did before, in exchange for +20/30 to destruction, and sneak for 2 minutes."


Akumu: I'm a bit confused by this perk. What ability does this relate to, as I don't think I ever used it or very often. Also it restores 50% more magica in exchange for +20/30 destruction and sneak for 2 minutes? It says in exchange so are you taking a hit to these skills or is it a gain and you lose magicka? I'm not sure about this perk so I can't really say I agree or disagree, however I'll still give an alternative for extra ideas.


Pixie: Like this one quite a bit, especially the bonus to stealth which makes sense as you have made the area darker. The problem I have is that it seems to work on very few lights in the game right now. Still this is a solid perk.


Me: This one might be too specialized, but I wanted it to play on the hiding in the darkness ability of the vampires...that they'd take the light away, and use it to power themselves in some manner. You recieve less mana from a successful drain light hit (right now, you regen some - you'll regen half as much), but in return, it gives you the potential to play to your strengths more instead of a perfect zero sum game that is it's use and immediate regen. Want a buff? Then you'll have to not only spent mana, but hit a target and cover a bit the world in darkness. Plus, it should also work well with the auto-embrace thing we tried our hand at. Possible changes are either having it extend it's power to darken in some way,since it's...well, named umbral, or to make drain light an AoE (which requires less targeting). I don't really know how frequently people use DL atm, so that might be a thing...





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Mmm...finally, a long area of discussion in MY area of expertise :P


Two things right off the bat though:

-I am trying to keep it away from simple stat shifts, much to MMs chagrin, and actually open new doors of gameplay

-Most of these are side, or at best, diagonal-grades. Very few straight up; that was by design. Avoiding power creep is one of my main focuses, and I don't want players to feel handicapped because they don't have such an such perk. Remember, it's not like the vanilla game, where less perks in one tree means more in another. Everyone is a vampire.


Thanks for sharing this key information. It gives me the basic layout of how I should look at any future ideas I can come up with for discussion. I will however wait for you to finish your reply before I come up with more feedback or ideas that fits into this concept.

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- 9. Abstain: A decent perk for the base form. It just takes away from Sumo Mortalis. Sumo Mortalis is a cool ability, makes you feel like a concealed wolf among sheep, so I don't think it should be undermined by a perk that seems to allow you to still look like a vampire but others completely ignore the yellowish/black eyed fiend. This perk should enhance Sumo in some way or be given some other role. Currently can't think much of an alternative but will brainstorm on it later.



I advocate making Sumo Mortalis completely toggleable unless you are starving. IE No magika drain unless you are starved.

Edited by nskin039
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Hey guys, I don't know if you guys're interested in this, but there's one guy,named Didymus Ei, who just released a mod called ''Bat Travel Power for Dawnguard DLC''


at the first release we can travel to the main town or village that we want by turn into swarm of bat,of course ,but the newest version we can mark our own destination, and have ability to recall.


Is this mod compatible with Belua Sanguinare?? [i've no time to play Skyrim,right now]



Edited by Asuke01
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Hey guys just wanted to drop in and share an idea for a mod I've been playing around with. Mind you, I have no experience in modding. Anyway I've been going through the shouts in the creation kit and altering them to be more vampiric. A few examples are 1.marked for death is now blood spit basically the same thing only you spit your blood on the target and it eats away at their armor and health(adds a small poison effect). 2. Dragonrend calls a swarm of bats to force the dragon to land(adds a small drain life effect). 3. Clear skies change to curse the sun(does the arrow eclipse effect) 4.become ethereal is called absorb shadows same thing but has the shadow armor shader effect( also invisibility for the duration ) and a few more. Anyway I really like the feel of shouts being vampire rather than dragon it seems to add a lot of immersion. Anyway, I just thought I would see if u guys liked it and if it would be something u might put in your mod, as im sure you could do much better job than me;) (maybe require all 3u words to the original dragon shout then have to spend another dragon soul and blood of a master vampire or something to transform into vampire shout) sorry for the long post:/
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Hey guys just wanted to drop in and share an idea for a mod I've been playing around with. Mind you, I have no experience in modding. Anyway I've been going through the shouts in the creation kit and altering them to be more vampiric. A few examples are 1.marked for death is now blood spit basically the same thing only you spit your blood on the target and it eats away at their armor and health(adds a small poison effect). 2. Dragonrend calls a swarm of bats to force the dragon to land(adds a small drain life effect). 3. Clear skies change to curse the sun(does the arrow eclipse effect) 4.become ethereal is called absorb shadows same thing but has the shadow armor shader effect( also invisibility for the duration ) and a few more. Anyway I really like the feel of shouts being vampire rather than dragon it seems to add a lot of immersion. Anyway, I just thought I would see if u guys liked it and if it would be something u might put in your mod, as im sure you could do much better job than me;) (maybe require all 3u words to the original dragon shout then have to spend another dragon soul and blood of a master vampire or something to transform into vampire shout) sorry for the long post:/


I always feel weird.of course I play as a vampire always in TES series but in Skyrim my character has to be a dragonborn!? OK it's awesome but it's a little too heroic for me [referred to Dragonborn comes song],being a Dragonborn and a vampire at the same time!!? I wish bethesda would make another questline ''what if'', I just wanna play as a vampire and do whatever I want with the story, I don't want to learn any shouts to kill those flying lizards. I wonder if there'll ve a shout for vampires in Skyrim's history....but if it's,that'll make a lot of difference from vanilla feeling [at least for me] it means there was/were a vampire[vampires] with dragon blood in the history before and he/she or they invent these shouts!?


or in the other hand, is it possible that our vamp dragonborn will create all these shouts by himself after finishing some quests??or absorption of special dragon souls!? [man, this'll change history about thu'um in skyrim, it'll be the first new set of shouts created by ...an undead?!


[i like your Idea dude absolutely, It'll make new feeling about shouting while being a vampire . I hope guys'll take it to the mod, in the shout form,or power form it's still cool.]

Edited by Asuke01
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Yea I don't think vampire shouts is 100% "lore friendly" for skyrim and I know belua sanguinare tries to stay as lore friendly as possible. So if they didn't add vamp shouts I would understand completely. But an idea to make it little make acceptable... after u complete the main dragonborn quest ur visited by a mysterious person. As soon as u seen him u recognize him as the "mysterious friend" that started ur life as a bsr vampire, as it is his blood u drank and flows through ur body. He tells u his plan for making the bsr vampires the most power race in existence (which is why he chose to send u, the dragonborn, his blood in the first place). He tells u that u can make your dragon shouts more powerful by mixing the blood of ancient vampire with the souls of dragons. After doing this and adding it to the dragon shout u have unlocked( all three words) its transformed into the first word of a vampire shout (with the second and third word taking more souls and more blood to learn). He tells u by doing this the dragonborn can lead the strongest race that ever existed. But why would this mysterious person go through so much trouble to make someone else a god? Just so he could be a follower? I don't think so. After upgrading all the shouts u find that while the blood of this stranger courses through ur body he would be able to, and intends to, kill u and drink ur blood to have the power to lead the bsr himself....boss fight. Lol.
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