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Armor as static not in T-Pose?


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The only way I know of it to try to use the armor from the load screen nif's but, it depends on what your really trying to do.


What is it your doing? My guess would be to use it in your Creative Clutter mod, hanging on the back of a chair or draped over something. That would be my guess.

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The only way I know of it to try to use the armor from the load screen nif's but, it depends on what your really trying to do.


What is it your doing? My guess would be to use it in your Creative Clutter mod, hanging on the back of a chair or draped over something. That would be my guess.

Yup Creative Clutter, a coat rack to be specific. :D

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I'll echo what chucksteel said about using the load screen power armor. I'be used them as decorations on multiple occasions and have tinkered with doing a slight repose of the Nuka Cola T-51 LS peice in Outfit Studio so it is doable. And you can easily do material swaps like anything else.


The LS power armor all come with PA frames so keep that in mind. It doubled the amount of posing I had to do. The Nuka T-51 actually had a human figure inside the frame.

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I just dragged the mesh for the load art into Outfit Studio: DLC04NukaWorld_General05.nif

and adjusted it just like you would any static item mashup. In my case I needed to make a slight adjustment to the helmet to hide the fact that the human head inside was missing textures. No QA at Bethesda that day I guess.


Looking back at my NIF, disregard what I said about the frame being poseable: it's all one piece. Sorry...had a senior moment there I guess. My original plan was to delete the frame altogether and shrink the PA down to a tabletop display miniature and repose it, but that never happened. I suppose if you found a load art frame in a pose you liked there's no reason you could mix and math the armor pieces in Outfit Studio.

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I'm sure they say they do...it just depends on your actual definition of QA.


They probably thought that no one would notice the purple back of the head inside the power armor on a load screen. 20+ years of dealing with judges at scale modeling contests has taught me that even if you think " no one is ever gonna see this part," someone is gonna see that part so you might as well make it look finished. :D

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I know to unskin armor if I wish to use it as a static item for decorative purposes. But is there a way to change the drape of it? Is there a relatively easy way to have it hang different than the stiff T-pose?

Whilst I can't say for certain, nor would it be easy, Outfit Studio does have some shaping tools, so if it was something relatively simple like trying to get the arms to lie flatter, you should be able to accomplish that with some fiddling.


As for a massive bend to drape over a chair or something, that's likely to be a bit harder but again, theoretically doable.


The final option would be to export the .nif as an .obj or something and mess with it in a proper 3D modeling program and then reimport it as if it were a completely new object. This is definitely possible, but not easy, so it depends on your proficiency and comfort with that method.

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a rigged body in either 3ds max or blender would work perfectly for what you are talking about. I can't speak to 3ds max but with blender you can take say a shirt and give it cloth physics and drop it. Outside of that you could use the move tool at a very high brush setting to push pull in outfit studio but that'll be a lot of push pulling and distortion to your meshes.

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