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Trouble with realistic lighting mods- esp's NOT enb's


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I have been using Realistic lighting Interiors only and Realistic Lighting Exteriors only in my game and I get this weird problem. It only happens when Im inside- the mod only darkens the area imediately around me. If Im in a large cave, Im shrouded in darkness but the far wall is lit like the vanilla game - very much lighter. Its really killing my imersion being able to see stuff in the distance then when I walk up to it, its in darkness.

Is there a setting in the Ini file that would apply to this problem?

I have tried True Darker Dungeons and the same problem applies.

The Darker Nights Exteriors works fine.

Both mods are fantastic, making the game infinitely better but there is just this small problem. Anyone else having the same problem?

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Perhaps just get rid of those and try "realistic lighting with no post processing"? It's a darker nights, darker dungeons, and color-enhancer mod all together. It might work.
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@Celebritron - I thought about lowering my lighting fade distance but I would have to alter it everytime I go outside. The lighting mod works fine outdoors just not inside. The thing is the Darker interiors mod worked fine before, I uninstalled it to try another one because I was having random stuttering issues. I thought the random stuttering was because of this mod ( the stuttering seems to happen when I enter interiors after being outside for a while). The stuttering only stops if I exit to desktop and load the game again- I have to do this quite often, I tried out some other lighting mods but the stuttering persisted so I reinstalled the Realistic lighting mod and now the dungeons are only dark around the player. This is why I think it is something to fo with load orders. I have tried loading Realitic lighting first, last and inbetween- no difference. Im thinking I might reinstall but I'd rather not have to!
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