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Lore friendly hair mod?


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I want a mod that adds in new lore friendly hairs. Things like ApachiiSkyHair and KS Hairdos are great mods, but they really don't fit in with the overall look and feel of Skyrim in my opinion. I just need a mod that adds in new hairs that fit in with the game better.


Note: I am not talking about something like Superior Lore-Friendly Hair because those are only retextures and I want actual new hairs (but it would be great if whatever mod you may be able to suggest is compatible with it).


Thanks :smile:

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Here are some good ones.


Vanilla Hair Variety Plus:



Lovely Hairstyles:



Lore Styles Hair Set:





Oops. I missed that this was for the Special Edition. Not really sure if they will work in the Special Edition but you could try it if you want to I suppose. There is one hair mod other than the ones you already know I noticed that does work for the Special Edition, I'll link it here.


Playable Serana and Valerica Hair:


Edited by DaddyDirection
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