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Construction set won't save!


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Hi everyone,

I know this is a very common question, but I can't find any answers to this specific question.

The first time i save a mod, i don't have any problems. When I want to edit that mod, i select it from the data menu

and when i want to save, a message saying :« File is a master file or is in use. Please select another file to save to.»

At first I though it was because of vista, so I reinstalled my game in another file than Program files. Even after that,

the same message keep showing.


Any idea of what's going on?

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Are you running the CS as an Administrator? If you are not, that generally fixes many of the "generic misnomer" issues out there. Vista causes more issues, but at least you weren't too deep to reinstall somewhere other than program files!
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Another thing to consider is whether or not you thoroughly cleaned all traces of your previous install from your registry (when it was located in C:\Program Files). The Oblivion uninstall won't clean up after itself ... you'll need something like CCleaner. Have a look through Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure and see if you can find anything you skipped that may help.
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me too, it kept giving error that it 'could not find hair-xxxxx' everytime ,i am so confused! They is so many utilities to used and installed untill i am so confused!


I am tired of reinstalling, i had reinstall around 5 times already.... zzz

Edited by holyvin
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me too, it kept giving error that it 'could not find hair-xxxxx' everytime ,i am so confused! They is so many utilities to used and installed untill i am so confused!


I am tired of reinstalling, i had reinstall around 5 times already.... zzz


Please re-read striker's post. You more than likely have not followed the absolute correct uninstall/reinstall procedure as it is outlined by bben.

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