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hi all I have a problem and hope anyone can help.I just met Paladin Danse at the cambridge police station,helped with the fight we killed all the enemy and Danse keeps saying "check your fire".I cant move onto the next part of of the quest.thanks

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I can suggest 3 ways to fix this.

1. reload an earlier save and play the fight over again.

2. open console and type in help *Quest ID" 4. For quest ID you need to find the quest name in your pipboy. Should show quest stages. type setstage Quest# 10,20,or whatever. This will move you to nest stage. For a better explanation look up console commands for FO4.

3. Download mod to recruit Danse and make him follow you. Then hit him repeatedly. Just kidding, but, sometimes you'd be surprised.

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There are several "wholes" around and under the Cambridge Police Station, (Bugthesda's woeful map construction at work again) and ghouls invariably spawn in them or close enough to fall in them, and as long as there is one "quest" ghoul still alive no matter where it is, Danse will not continue the quest. So use TCL and have a wander and see if you can find the "hidden Ghoul" (hmm sounds like a minigame)


Also I find it a good idea NOT to kill the ghouls too quickly, (let the BoS plebs do most of the work, they are essential so why waste ammo?) as this can also fubar the quest timing.

Finally make sure you and your companions are "inside" the police grounds ( inside the fence nest to Danse is best) when doing the killing, as if you kill a ghoul to far away, it won't register with the BoS idiots.


It's happened to me in a couple of playthroughs, but I usually don't even bother with the baby butchering, elitist sociopath faction. (except to smear their brains on the ground after a certain point in the main quest with the other "good" factions)

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