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Tamriel Hightmap Help?


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I HATE it when there are so many required files for a mod. -_-


Anyway, I'm trying to get Tamriel Resource pack and there seem to be 6 needed files. So, which ones do I need to download there?


Link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24822


So ummm, someone please tell me if I need to download every file or just a few? The publisher didn't seem to help anyone who asked.

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I believe that you download all of them from the looks of it. All of them seem to be different bsa files (not sure about the compliment pack, you would have to figure out what is in those). The part where it says 'This release is a pure resource pack, it will not modify or add anything in-game.' seems a bit odd. I suppose you could extract the bsa files and use what you want from them though I am not sure why there would be .bsa: if nothing is added in game yet :confused: .
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I HATE it when there are so many required files for a mod. -_-


Anyway, I'm trying to get Tamriel Resource pack and there seem to be 6 needed files. So, which ones do I need to download there?


Link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24822


So ummm, someone please tell me if I need to download every file or just a few? The publisher didn't seem to help anyone who asked.


You should only download all of them only if you're going to download Stirk http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22401 and Fort Akatosh Redux http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22401 for those mods to work. Think of this resource pack as similar to what the Oblivion.esm for the vanilla game. This provides resources for the mods I mentioned above.

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