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Blocking with dual weapons?


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I can't see why aren't allowed to use an offhand weapon as a shield and a weapon. It is like parrying almost. Of course it should probably be the least effective form of blocking, but you should still be able to put your weapon in the way of the enemies.


Also, for dual wielding. Anyone thinking of coming up for a way for a second sheath? I hate how your off hand weapon just disappears, why can't it be holstered on your other hip?

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Well...what button would you press to block? Right click's reserved for the...left weapon (seriously bethedsa). I think a script mod could work for people with more than two mouse buttons. You know how some mice have a 'back' and 'forward' button for navigating web pages? Use that as a right/left block! Of course mine has both buttons on the one side but...yeah. I'd imagine hitting both buttons at once would be a sort of 'cross-block' to deflect blows, while individually it's just a simple parry. Could work for sword and shield too!
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And why do we need to attack with our off hand?

There is no benefit to it at all..


If you are dual wielding you should dual wield with with your attack button and parry with the off hand..


I'd be fine with this like Oblivion was with hand2hand- directional movement indicated which hand you attack with, right click to block

Oh, and consider hand to hand -dual weapons- too. Hand to hand needs blocking!

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And why do we need to attack with our off hand?

There is no benefit to it at all..


If you are dual wielding you should dual wield with with your attack button and parry with the off hand..



If you are dual wielding with two full size swords you are supposed to attack with both, it is when you have a long sword in your main hand and a short sword or dagger in your off hand that you attack and parry. You can also parry with dual long sword, it is just more difficult.

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My mouse has enough buttons to be able to attack with both dual weapons and block with both either seperately or at the same time. Id like to see that kind of thing and maybe blocking with gauntlets/forearm armour.
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