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my needed to work mod list


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The more mods you have the more potential there are for conflicts. Especially for lots of larger mods/overhauls. Patches are almost always needed. And installation order and load order become even more critical.


I have around 350 mods + requiem and more patches than you can imagine. many are merged so they cant be seen.


Great care is also taken when selecting to mods to ensure maximum compatibility. I only use high quality mods and lots of thought goes into why i add it. Nothing is added just because it looks cool.


With that said use this guide to help you troubleshoot any issues.



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Also you need to learn a lot more about making your own mods since your ironclad on this list,


You may find that you will not only have to write patches yourself but also you will have to fix said mods due to issues that were left in that could present problems.

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"write patches" and "fix" by tes5edit are things im still not learned,


so could be posible that the way to "ironclad" my game is doing merges by NMM categories, and loot revised, and tes5edit cleaned, and merge by mergeplugings???

Edited by oigres89
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