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Help troubleshooting a custom animated .nif causing ctd.


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I've been trying to make a custom .nif for the APC model (from the APC02.nif specifically). I want to make the tailgate open and close with a simple animation like the ones used for doors. I managed to create the animation in nifskope and it looks like it works fine in there but when I select the mesh in the CK it crashes. I've been at this for 2 days now and I can't find what's causing this.

What I did to the file:
Exported the original .nif to .obj using nifskope, then I separated the tailgate from the rest in blender and used outfit studio to create a new .nif file( having turned off skinning for each piece). Then I cleaned up the materials and texture paths and tried loading it in the CK which worked fine. I had to move the tailgate piece by the same amount for each vertex so the pivot would be in the correct position for the animation. After doing this I tested again and the .nif still worked.

Then I followed a guide ( by Razorwire on YT) and used a door model from the base game as a reference to create the animation. After the animation was complete and working in nifskope I tried to add it in the CK and it crashed.
I've tried everything I can think of to fix it but so far no luck.

Link to the .nif file.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Check the Close NiControllerSequence, which should link to the original NiMultiTargetTransformController - Block 3 - instead of the other one - Block 12 - which may have been created when you duplicated the Open sequence.


The Name field for the first AV Object in NiDefaultAVObjectPalette also does not match.


However, the model still crashes the CK. I tried removing a few things that could have been obvious culprits like borked collision. Still, no dice.


Could you compare the order of strings in the header information in the door model used as a reference to the .nif you made and try and get yours to match?

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I got it to load in game (and not crash) by changing the Interpolation KeyType for the rotations to linear (or quadratic)*. Note, that's the "Interpolation", not "Rotation Type". Linear moves exactly the same, quadratic is a little slower at the start and end, but takes the same time (as the name implies, the speed it rotates follows a quadratic curve). To get the open/close options in-game, I had to make it a DOOR record, so keep that in mind.**


It still wouldn't move in-game, looks like there is something wrong with the collision mesh you made for the door. Once I deleted the collision mesh (or replaced it with one from a vanilla door) the animation played in game with no problem. If I remember right, you have to check a certain flag (or something like that) when making the collision mesh if you it to be movable. Haven't made my own collisions yet so wouldn't know what.


Also, once you get that fixed, might want to see about replacing the main collision mesh you are using, the open door from the original mesh is still very much there :laugh:.


*for all three for each animation (open and close), so six total

**there might be another way, but if so I'm not sure what (and it would probably require different names for the animations, based on non-door animated objects I've looked at). And if you are just making it so the door opens and closes, a DOOR record will work great.

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