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Need help with modding.


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Okay. Sigh...

I have spent the last 2 months modding sse and attempting to mod oldrim. I guess you could say I'm new to this. I got a pretty good grasp of the normal stuff, but the body and skin and face of mine and npc characters is failing me hard. I have tried countless times for the past 2 weeks on Oldrim, (following modders instructions) to get at least a DECENT looking female, and I'm a tadpole swimming ina lake of beautiful female characters. I don't even know if I'm using the best versions of other mods (character and other mods like climates of tamriel). I prefer the UNP body for more petite female creation. I can not fathom how people get their characters to look as beautiful ass they do, and mine looks like a clay potatoe that someone cut edges off of. I'm constantly seeing small texture lines with the movement of my character just from standing still and breathing. My skin looks like an untouched bar of white soap. Am I missing something here? I installed Dimonized unp's mod files and thats as far as I'm going to go until someone can give me some G*d D****d clarity on this matter because honestly I'm done trying to find this S**t for myself. Thank you for reading and thank you for any constructive help you might offer. I really like the characters from Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase - WIP by Zonzai and Seren4XX

Edited by aidenboyjon
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